So, I have a TV and an XFINITY subscription, but I don't have a cable box or card, and I'm not too keen on buying or renting either device. The problem is Comcast, to the best of my knowledge, won't let me get TV by running a coaxial cable from the wall to the TV. However, Comcast will let me stream TV content over the Internet for free using my regular computer, and I can hook up the computer to the TV to use the TV as a second display.
What I'm looking for is a way to emulate the cable set-top box experience as closely as reasonably possible. At the very least, I want my computer to show a channel guide, and I want to be able to use the remote that came with my TV to control the computer in the same way one would use the remote to control a cable/satellite set-top box.
If someone will please help me find a solution, that would be great. Thanks!
What I'm looking for is a way to emulate the cable set-top box experience as closely as reasonably possible. At the very least, I want my computer to show a channel guide, and I want to be able to use the remote that came with my TV to control the computer in the same way one would use the remote to control a cable/satellite set-top box.
If someone will please help me find a solution, that would be great. Thanks!