rich wrote above:
[[ Internet is internet. Use whatever browser you want. What she heard is impossible. ]]
Not in South Korea. I haven't actually been to SK, but I do recall reading about the problem with Macs there from reliable sources.
Some sites there (banking and financial, I believe) are set up so that it's impossible to connect and do business with a Mac. This is because the sites are constructed using Windows-only code (I think it's called "Active X") that works only with MS Internet Explorer. This may actually be pursuant to law in SK...
As for the "general internet", I don't think there will be a problem.
But for the sites that don't work, she'll need some way of running Internet Explorer. Might be able to do it with "CrossOver" without installing Windows. Otherwise, a virtual machine such as VMWare Fusion might do.
Again, I'm writing this based on what I've read elsewere, and could be completely wrong.
I welcome correction from those with actual experience.