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Feb 27, 2017
I want to share my iCloud account for iCloud Drive, Photos, Notes and Reminders on my wife's iPhone. The idea is that the photos that we take on each of our phones can be seen by both of us on each of our iPhones. Now I have to sync her iPhone to my Mac to get her photos to my iCloud. But she still can not see my photos on her phone. She is getting a new iPhone and this is what I am planning to do on the new iPhone to achieve this. Please let me know if you have done this or do you see any issues:

1. Set up the new iPhone with my iCloud account.
2. Go to Settings-> Apple ID -> iCloud and turn of everything except Photos, Reminder and Notes
3. Go to Settings-> Calendar -> Accounts -> Add Account -> iCloud and sign in using my wife's iCloud account. Turn on everything except Photos, Notes and Reminders
4. Go to Settings -> Messages -> Send Receive -> Apple ID -> Sign in using my wife's iCloud account.
5. Repeat (4) for FaceTime.

Thanks and Happy holidays!

You can do all you want with a, lets say, a shared google account with out all the confusion with a free 15gigs. With a google account, you can sync all photos for free (until June 1, 2021) with google photos with minor quality loss. If you want sync original photos, it goes against the storage. You can sync google drive with the built in file browser. It'll act just like iCloud if you like using the built in file browser. Notes can be synced if you save your notes to the gmail account and calendars can be synced via the gmail. And its pricing for upgrading is comparable to apple.
There no need to mix up apple ID. It gets ugly and complicated as apple never really gave the whole concept of a shared account on their devices. Just a seggestion.
No disrespect intended but you really don't need to post a question like that on these forums, Apple provides more than enough info on the topic of Family Sharing;

Of course if you get stuck on an aspect of the process, by all means get back to us on this thread but Apple really encourages people to use this option and most answers can be found on their support sites.
No disrespect intended but you really don't need to post a question like that on these forums, Apple provides more than enough info on the topic of Family Sharing;

Of course if you get stuck on an aspect of the process, by all means get back to us on this thread but Apple really encourages people to use this option and most answers can be found on their support sites.
Actually... I think YOUR COMMENT was unnecessary to post on here. Very unwelcoming. You essentially told him... "GO ELSEWHERE to find your answers and only come here if you answers don't exist elsewhere!"
No disrespect intended but you really don't need to post a question like that on these forums, Apple provides more than enough info on the topic of Family Sharing;

Of course if you get stuck on an aspect of the process, by all means get back to us on this thread but Apple really encourages people to use this option and most answers can be found on their support sites.

Did you intend for him to get stuck at this part of your link?

Everyone's personal files and preferences stay private​

When you share an iCloud storage plan, family members can't see each others’ photos, files, or documents. And when you share other subscriptions like Apple Music or Apple TV+, each person sees their own preferences and recommendations — not the whole family’s.

I guess you are now free to answer his question on this forum, presumably in a more friendly and welcoming manner?
i Still say stick with the Google solution. It offers what he wants without getting apple IDs all mixed up on a phone. All that has to be done is to log into a gmail account on Both phones and pretty much its easy sailing. And if you are wondering, google photos offer auto backup just like apples photos, and you can save your wife’s to your personal iCloud photos if you want to make a personal backup in iCloud.
Did you intend for him to get stuck at this part of your link?

I guess you are now free to answer his question on this forum, presumably in a more friendly and welcoming manner?
I don't know what your question means? Did you only read the first link?
Why would I (or anyone) go to the trouble of plagiarising the contents of readily available Apple instruction documents when the pages already exist in much more detail online.

Or are you just arguing semantics? Would you have preferred me to say, "Here are some sites on the topic, check them out then get back to us if you have any questions." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don't know what your question means? Did you only read the first link?
Why would I (or anyone) go to the trouble of plagiarising the contents of readily available Apple instruction documents when the pages already exist in much more detail online.

Or are you just arguing semantics? Would you have preferred me to say, "Here are some sites on the topic, check them out then get back to us if you have any questions." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The point is you were both condescending AND you didn't provide a link that answers the question. Apple does not allow automatic sharing of photos across accounts.

I agree the Google Photos option has been the easiest way to accomplish this, but I'm not clear if that will continue to work with the changes coming in the future.
I don't know what your question means? Did you only read the first link?
Why would I (or anyone) go to the trouble of plagiarising the contents of readily available Apple instruction documents when the pages already exist in much more detail online.

Or are you just arguing semantics? Would you have preferred me to say, "Here are some sites on the topic, check them out then get back to us if you have any questions." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you don't read and understand the links you provided then you clearly don't have a clue.

Being clueless in itself is not an abnormal thing but flaming someone whilst being so clueless & wrong is a really bad look.

If you had just been nice then being wrong would have mattered little; we can all be wrong. Somehow you managed to look rude and stupid in a single post.

Try harder to be nice.
Try harder to be nice
Well, I admit to being a little dismissive, because I suspect the OP had already read Apples restrictions on Family Sharing and hoped we had found a back door "hack" to get around it.
I don't give instructions on how to bypass privacy regulations. But I do agree with your your last statement can all live by that one.
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