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Original poster
Oct 21, 2009

How do I get bootcamp assistant to recognize my SSD on my Velocity Solo x2? I would like to put Windows 8 on it.

If I cannot get it to recognize it, can the OS X installer recognize it to install a fresh Mavericks?

NOTE: I am running a PC NVIDIA GTX 680 so I cannot access the boot screen.


macrumors newbie
Oct 21, 2003
Monterey, CA
Can I run the Mavericks installer and install a fresh OS X on it at least?

Yes, I was using it as my Mavericks boot partition with no issues. Also, once booted into Windows (from an 'internal' drive), Windows can access the drive installed on the Velocity Solo x2.


Original poster
Oct 21, 2009
Yes, I was using it as my Mavericks boot partition with no issues. Also, once booted into Windows (from an 'internal' drive), Windows can access the drive installed on the Velocity Solo x2.

Can I use OS X on it easily without using the boot screen? Since I am on a PC video card, I do not see the boot screen.


macrumors newbie
Oct 21, 2003
Monterey, CA
Can I use OS X on it easily without using the boot screen? Since I am on a PC video card, I do not see the boot screen.

I don't see why not. As long as it is selected in the Startup Disk control panel, there is no interaction necessary.

*edit* Actually, it looks like people have figured out how to make the Velocity cards work by tweaking the drive with windows to use AHCI mode.


macrumors P6
Apr 3, 2014
Hong Kong
May be you can try to connect the SSD via the optical bay SATA 2 port, install windows, and then move the card back to the Solo x2 card.

Or, simply boot the Mac Pro by the Windows DVD, and then install Windows on to that SSD without using bootcamp. You can always install the bootcamp driver afterward.


macrumors 68040
Dec 1, 2006
Cedar Rapids, IA. USA
I have my Windows 8.1 installation running from a SSD on a Velocity Solo x2 card in the PCIe slots (which are considered "external" drives). You cannot install Windows directly to the card, or any "external" drive. I put the SSD in one of the disk trays and got Windows fully functioning, then transferred the SSD over to the Solo x2 card. It would be a good idea to have the bare Solo x2 card installed in a slot while running Windows from the sled to be sure that any additional drivers that may be required are loaded into Windows prior to moving the SSD to the card.


macrumors regular
Jul 18, 2013
I have my Windows 8.1 installation running from a SSD on a Velocity Solo x2 card in the PCIe slots (which are considered "external" drives). You cannot install Windows directly to the card, or any "external" drive. I put the SSD in one of the disk trays and got Windows fully functioning, then transferred the SSD over to the Solo x2 card. It would be a good idea to have the bare Solo x2 card installed in a slot while running Windows from the sled to be sure that any additional drivers that may be required are loaded into Windows prior to moving the SSD to the card.

weird i thought X2 was compatible with BootCamp.

you can try installing windows with efi method. Insert the dvd installation reboot then press alt and choose EFI Boot from DVD you will need a GPT Partition in SSD


macrumors 68040
Jun 16, 2007
I have Mavericks on a Velo x2 (Samsung 830 Pro) and Windows 8.1 sees it (Windows is on a hard drive). I even get the BIOS boot menu that shows the Velo.
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