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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 16, 2010
So, I have 2 lines that were iPhone 5s's on grandfathered unlimited data lines. Family share 550 plan. Quite an old one.

I bought a 6 and a 6 Plus both on new lines on that account added to the family share for $9.99 each on contract. I took the 6's off and put on old dumb flip phones. I then moved the 6 and 6 Plus to the main lines that had the unlimited data. On the line, the rep seemed to have everything right and was supposed to have dropped the data package off the new lines that now have the dumb phones.

Now, I get my first bill. $300+. The two dumb phone lines have 2GB data plans on them for $30/month each. I call and ask the rep to remove the data plan from the lines.

After going away and coming back a bit, he tells me he cannot do that. Our plan somehow requires all phones, regardless of type, to carry data packages on them with a minimum of 2GB each for the $30/month.

I had called twice previous to buying the 6's and asked if I could activate, move the phones over, replace them on the line, and dump those data plans. Both times I was told yes.

Anyone else having any similar trouble doing a line dance and getting stuck?

I don't know what I should do now. Maybe call back and try for another rep, or maybe go into a store. I bought the new phones at Best Buy, not Verizon directly. Worst case I can return them, cancel the new lines, and see if Best Buy will resell them to me at full price in order to keep the unlimited data...


macrumors 68020
Sep 13, 2014
Just so I'm sure: you added 2 "ghost lines" in order to upgrade, tried to switch those ghost lines onto dumb phone plans hoping they would only be $9.99/mo (and was correctly told no by the verizon rep), and were planning to use the new phones on your 2 main lines, right?

Not going to work. Verizon recently changed their policy that anyone who upgrades to a smartphone has to keep the data plan on for the life of the contract, regardless if they try to do the ghost line trick:
A new report from Droid-Life says that Verizon will soon close one of the loopholes that enables unlimited data customers to upgrade to a new phone at a discounted rate and still keep their unlimited plan. It’s said that starting on August 24, Verizon will require smartphones acquired with a discounted upgrade to hold on to a data package for the duration of the contract.
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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 16, 2010
Hal, that's exactly what I did. I read about it from many people, and called twice the week the 6 came out to verify I could line swap and cancel data. Both reps told me I could.

I saw that new report last month as well about not allowing cancellation of the data plan, but I had thought it was only reported as they were looking at the option. Not that it had become policy.

I guess I'll plan to visit the Verizon store tomorrow. If they won't do anything differently, then it'll be back to Best Buy on Wednesday to refund the purchase and cancel the ghost lines.


macrumors regular
Sep 26, 2014
Go to T-mobile and have them pay your ETF.

Great choice as long as you don't mind a horrible coverage area.

So Verizon closed the loophole... Good for them. I lost my unlimited data 2 years ago when I upgraded from the Droid 2 to the S3. Didn't realize it was this easy (or used to be) to keep unlimited data or I may have tried it.

Oh well.


macrumors 68020
Sep 13, 2014
Hal, that's exactly what I did. I read about it from many people, and called twice the week the 6 came out to verify I could line swap and cancel data. Both reps told me I could.

I saw that new report last month as well about not allowing cancellation of the data plan, but I had thought it was only reported as they were looking at the option. Not that it had become policy.

I guess I'll plan to visit the Verizon store tomorrow. If they won't do anything differently, then it'll be back to Best Buy on Wednesday to refund the purchase and cancel the ghost lines.

It's a damn shame Best Buy has to pay the price (now less valuable refurbished phones) for your mistake :rolleyes:

Wish at the very least they would charge you a good sized restocking fee. Oh well, when enough people do things like this I'm sure they will eventually get fed up with these types of customers abusing the system due to not doing their homework and simply charge everyone restocking fees :mad:


macrumors regular
Aug 30, 2011
Verizon Screwing Me Over?

Hal, that's exactly what I did. I read about it from many people, and called twice the week the 6 came out to verify I could line swap and cancel data. Both reps told me I could.

I saw that new report last month as well about not allowing cancellation of the data plan, but I had thought it was only reported as they were looking at the option. Not that it had become policy.

I guess I'll plan to visit the Verizon store tomorrow. If they won't do anything differently, then it'll be back to Best Buy on Wednesday to refund the purchase and cancel the ghost lines.

I can tell you as someone who works for Verizon, going to the store will unfortunately not help. They don't have the ability to remove data off lines. The system won't allow them to. And customer care won't do it now either as you have already experienced. I would save the trip and go back to best buy and ask for the refund, if that's what you decide to do. It sucks, but there aren't too many options at this point to be able to keep unlimited data:( and even Sprint(not that their service is that great) is no longer offering unlimited data. It wouldn't surprise me if T-Mobile followed suit. Just my 2 cents.


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 16, 2010
Well, I would consider this Verizon's mistake. Again, I called twice to verify the validity of the device swap. Both times, I was told "yes" by the agent looking at the account. Both calls were placed after 8/24.

Actually even, I had the rep on the phone make all the account changes on 9/19. When we were off the phone, the lines were all set up as I wanted them, and my account was showing 0GB data plans on both secondary lines.

I want the phones either way. I would have just paid full price for them if I had known about all this trouble to begin with. As it is, I'll likely just see whatever Best Buy can do reconfigure the transaction as a full price purchase.
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