So I called Verizon tech support this afternoon and told them what was going on with my terrible service and slow LTE speeds. I talked to the first level tech rep and reset my phone, took out the SIM card, she checked my area to see if any outages or towers were down and my area is fine with full 4G LTE. So none of that worked, I still had 1-2 bars everywhere, slow LTE and frequent drops to 3G. She then connected me with a level 2 tech rep, he Told me to adjust my roaming settings to see if that changed anything, it didn't. I went on to tell him that my friend at work has Verizon with a galaxy s5 and we were standing right next to each other and he had full 5 bars and I only had 2 bars. He told me that samsungs read the network better than iPhones but he's never seen anything that drastic in signal difference. He said he was going to follow up with me tomorrow and see if anything has changed with my service and see if we can do anything else to resolve it if the service is still bad. It will be, I already know lol. Idk what the hell is wrong with my phone or the Verizon network in my area but this is unacceptable. I have Verizon for a reason, they have best service and coverage in the country. I hope it's nothing wrong with the hardware in my phone because I waited a month and a half to even get the phone and I don't want to wait that long for a new one. If anybody else has ideas on what else I can do please let me know. Thanks
EDIT: I have also turned off LTE completely and still have only 2-3 bars. Sometimes 1 bar