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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 25, 2007
Hello. I currently have an unlimited data line on my mom's Nationwide plan. VZW has increased my data to $50 from $30. I currently have a non-vzw iPhone 6 on that line. If I were to purchase a Verizon S7 Edge on DPP using the unlimited data line, would I lose unlimited data? If not, can I use my current nano sim in the S7 edge? Also, would I be able to go back and forth and use the same nano sim in either phone without losing unlimited data? Im worried because I've read over the internet that, and its my interpretation, that a phone's imei would be tied to that sim. Since I am not paying the full retail price of the S7 Edge, I would lose unlimited data as soon as I place that sim in another phone. By the way, the iPhone 6 was originally purchased from T-Mobile but has been paid in full and has been unlocked. Thanks
Yes, you would. The SIM card trick isn't working like it use to. Why? B/c the IMEI is still gonna show up in VZW's system. Basically your account will reflect the phone upgrade. So, if you upgrade the unlimited line with the DPP and just swap SIMs, your unlimited will more than likely be taken away. Even doing cross upgrades to keep an unlimited data plan, doesn't work anymore. The safest way to get a new phone and keep unlimited is to just buy the phone full price
Yes, you would. The SIM card trick isn't working like it use to. Why? B/c the IMEI is still gonna show up in VZW's system. Basically your account will reflect the phone upgrade. So, if you upgrade the unlimited line with the DPP and just swap SIMs, your unlimited will more than likely be taken away. Even doing cross upgrades to keep an unlimited data plan, doesn't work anymore. The safest way to get a new phone and keep unlimited is to just buy the phone full price

This is incorrect. You can now purchase phones using Device Payment and keep your unlimited data on Verizon. You will not lose your unlimited data. This is the only way to keep it (buying outright or financing).
This is incorrect. You can now purchase phones using Device Payment and keep your unlimited data on Verizon. You will not lose your unlimited data. This is the only way to keep it (buying outright or financing).

You're right. My bad. But with it being Verizon, I'd still be nervous as hell to try it. I know how they can be
I called Verizon while I was at best buy getting my gs7 because I too was nervous about losing my unlimited data and they said I will keep it and sent me a text for proof I won't lose it.

It's on my old phone but don't worry you will keep the unlimited on dpp
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