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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 20, 2017
For the past few days I've had a bunch of thin black lines on the left side of my screen (mid-2015 Macbook Pro), and my screen is shifted so that I can't access the Apple Menu on the left. When I move my Dock to the left, it also disappears. I've tried resetting the PRAM and changing the screen resolution, but this hasn't helped.

I have an extended warranty, so can bring it in for a fix, but if there's a simple fix of course I'd rather do it on my own. Any ideas what's going on?

(Interestingly, when I tried to take a screen shot to post here, the lines weren't visible to the internal camera, and I could see the Apple Menu on the far left of the screen shot although it's not visible on my actual screen. The photo looked exactly as the screen should, but the screen itself is definitely wonky.)
could be your graphics card is failing. Take a picture with your iPhone. You might have enable zoom feature in the accessibility menu?
Thanks, puckhead! I checked to make sure Zoom wasn't enabled, and it's not. All display options are set to Normal/default, and the text is the right size, just the screen is shifted left. I'm attaching a photo...


[doublepost=1487689527][/doublepost]I also just noticed that pressing the back of my screen makes the lines flicker and move. Not sure what that might mean?
Okay, thanks, and boo. Do you think the shifted screen could be a hardware (graphics card?) issue as well?
[doublepost=1487692449][/doublepost](Also, it seems strange the lines shift when I press on the back of the screen...maybe means a connection issue?)
If you have extended warranty coverage, take it to Apple, don't wait.
They'll diagnose and repair it.
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