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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 16, 2019

can't believe apple ruined the watchface by removing the name of the town/suburb, I loved seeing what town I was in on road trips when I was driving and missed the sign all I had to do was look at the watch and it would tell me, anyone know how to get it back.
View attachment 2059817
can't believe apple ruined the watchface by removing the name of the town/suburb, I loved seeing what town I was in on road trips when I was driving and missed the sign all I had to do was look at the watch and it would tell me, anyone know how to get it back.
Absolutely agree! I hate this! I also don’t like the widget in general. Temp is too small. Don’t want or need a 5 day forecast.

Someone can recommend something similar from another app???
Absolutely agree! I hate this! I also don’t like the widget in general. Temp is too small. Don’t want or need a 5 day forecast.

Someone can recommend something similar from another app???
I know its ridiculous I thought it was perfect the way it was had the location current and high low temp was just perfect and to not even give the option to which one we want Mabee if we complain really loudly enough lol they'll let us chose or change it back to the original.
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They ruined my face also. I have a night time for wearing while sleeping. I use a red time display for night vision. I cannot change the displayed time from bright white (blinding light) to subdued red. Three thumbs down on this change.
im devastated I went on a road trip not long ago in Queensland Australia and to see where I was without touching my phone (its really illegal here while driving) was fantastic its not "applelike" for them to do something like this I think if more of us complain them might change it back to what we had.
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They have also screwed up the size ratio - the number on pedometer are very small now on the bottom when they used to be proportional to the other complications (or what ever they call them)
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Absolutely agree! I hate this! I also don’t like the widget in general. Temp is too small. Don’t want or need a 5 day forecast.

Someone can recommend something similar from another app???
It’s worse….it’s a 5 hour forecast:)
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View attachment 2059817
can't believe apple ruined the watchface by removing the name of the town/suburb, I loved seeing what town I was in on road trips when I was driving and missed the sign all I had to do was look at the watch and it would tell me, anyone know how to get it back.
I feel your pain. I also hate what they have done to my modular face. I used to have Activity as the centre complication, but they have replaced the simple readings with some awful graph which shows the time of day the activity occurred. I know that, thanks! I also lost the colour of my text, but fortunately I have found it after a LONG time trying to re-customise it.
one of the problems for me know is that I simply cannot read the complications without my glasses which sucks when riding or hiking
Time for the Apple Watch Ultra!

I'm only half kidding. I need my reading glasses, too, to see smaller elements like the actual date number in Apple's Date complication. An Ultra might solve that, though I don't think I could pull off a watch that large.
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Time for the Apple Watch Ultra!

I'm only half kidding. I need my reading glasses, too, to see smaller elements like the actual date number in Apple's Date complication. An Ultra might solve that, though I don't think I could pull off a watch that large.
I think the ultra is ugly and I have absolutely no need for what it does. I am all for those who would use it to get it -but we had a perfectly good modular face that they destroyed and I can't understand why. I already have the 45 which I got only because of being able to see it better. If they keep this up - I will be wearing the ipad on my wrist
Time for the Apple Watch Ultra!

I'm only half kidding. I need my reading glasses, too, to see smaller elements like the actual date number in Apple's Date complication. An Ultra might solve that, though I don't think I could pull off a watch that large.
Except that the screen itself really isn’t much bigger. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Anyway this change sounds bad. I don’t need a five day forecast on my watch face. If I need to know the weather five days from now, I’d open the app on my phone!
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I use a red time display for night vision
I know this is a little off-topic, but the color selection UX in the watch app is awful to me. From the beginning, a simple color picker would've been fine. Having hundreds of circles in a gallery view is too busy. I think having them split by season only makes sense to match with a band, do many users do this? Just a thought.
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I feel your pain. I also hate what they have done to my modular face. I used to have Activity as the centre complication, but they have replaced the simple readings with some awful graph which shows the time of day the activity occurred. I know that, thanks! I also lost the colour of my text, but fortunately I have found it after a LONG time trying to re-customise it.
I also hate the two tone of the modular face. I want the time in my chosen colour, just like I had it before. Why do I have to have some aspects in white, no matter what other colour I choose? Before the accent white was subtle. Now it is in your face. I hope they reintroduce some more choice and customisation.
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Apple didn't ruined the watch face you liked, they removed it.
No they didn’t they changed the same face to something completely different that as u can see with the comments that people don’t like I’m the biggest Apple fan boi as they come but if I don’t like some thing I will speak up and hopefully they change it back or give us the option of what we want. What do u mean if u don’t mind me asking why do u think that they replaced the way I see it explain the way u see it please cause I’m not quite understanding what u said
It’s worse….it’s a 5 hour forecast:)
It’s ******** I want it as simple as it was pls Apple bring it back lol I don’t need 5 hour forecast I’ll just look at the app if I want to know what other days are going to be what do u think should it go back tk what it was
I feel your pain. I also hate what they have done to my modular face. I used to have Activity as the centre complication, but they have replaced the simple readings with some awful graph which shows the time of day the activity occurred. I know that, thanks! I also lost the colour of my text, but fortunately I have found it after a LONG time trying to re-customise it.
Why does Apple ruin good things they had it perfect that people like me and u liked then they f##ed it up lol we all should send a message to Apple i reakon if enough of us do it we might just get what we want
No they didn’t they changed the same face to something completely different that as u can see with the comments that people don’t like I’m the biggest Apple fan boi as they come but if I don’t like some thing I will speak up and hopefully they change it back or give us the option of what we want. What do u mean if u don’t mind me asking why do u think that they replaced the way I see it explain the way u see it please cause I’m not quite understanding what u said
If you're a fan boi then cope!
Wow .. So much hate here .. They didn't change my favorite watch face - but they did add one - my new standard .. The Metropolitan .. Finally a fully functional watch face that looks clean and uncluttered.
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