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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 29, 2013
B.F., KS
Am I missing a setting somewhere? The videos app on my iPad on iOS 8.0.2 now automatically starts the next episode in a TV series/season once the episode I selected finishes. It didn't do that in iOS 7..
I've been searching for a way to turn that off as well. It's irritating since the next episode will show partially watched. I have to manually reset the episodes back to unwatched.

I was hoping that IOS 9 would fix this or allow me to set it up the way I want in settings, but it works the same as IOS 8.
I'm not using the Apple Videos app but i do use some third party apps.
You could try to use a third party app like VidOn Player (free) or Infuse 3 Pro (free, but with in-app purchase).
I know Infuse also continues playing automatically but i can turn it off if i want in the settings of that app. I don't know if VidOn Player continues playing i have to try at home tonight. There is at least no setting that i know off to turn it on/off.
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