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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 12, 2019
Just a quick blast from the past browsing the wayback machine. No good reason other than nostalgia.

Posted from my 12" Powerbook using InterWebPPC.


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I used to go there for tips and advice. Lots of knowledgable people.

Not any more unfortunately…place is now full of Apple trolls who flame you if you aren't fanatic enough about Apple.

You must not question Apple's decisions under any circumstances. They are beyond reproach and if they tell you to abandon software and hardware because they have been superseded by new products from Apple then you should obey them because it's immaterial that they're perfectly fine for your computing tasks: Apple knows best and that's that. :D
Those were the best days of my life… ? …back in the summer of ’95, uh-huh…
No, that was the summer of 1985. I was all over Beaumont and Cherry Valley, California on my bike going wherever I wanted. I was 14 and had money in my pocket that summer and a Commodore 64 at home!
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You must not question Apple's decisions under any circumstances. They are beyond reproach and if they tell you to abandon software and hardware because they have been superseded by new products from Apple then you should obey them because it's immaterial that they're perfectly fine for your computing tasks: Apple knows best and that's that. :D
Right, Apple decides when we upgrade. They know best, we follow.

Get a new Mac!!!!!

You must not question Apple's decisions under any circumstances. They are beyond reproach and if they tell you to abandon software and hardware because they have been superseded by new products from Apple then you should obey them because it's immaterial that they're perfectly fine for your computing tasks: Apple knows best and that's that. :D

I am down with unthinking! We all know the very best operating system Apple has ever made is Monterey!

Get Monterey on your Mac today!™ Can’t run Monterey on your Mac? Buy a Silicon Mac today!™
No, that was the summer of 1985. I was all over Beaumont and Cherry Valley, California on my bike going wherever I wanted. I was 14 and had money in my pocket that summer and a Commodore 64 at home!

Off-topic sidebar:

I love much of the pop music produced during the 1980s, and several of the songs produced then are ones which I still use to as index markers for specific months and seasons of specific years (and also to contextualize said songs with what I was getting through at that time). But being raised in one of the most conservative parts of one of the most conservative states in the union during the apex of Reaganism — and being the kind of child I was, along with the abysmal, violent parenting which came with it — I realize the 1980s, despite the breakneck culture shifts and emergent tech (like the aforementioned C64, the Memphis group, samplers, music videos, and the dawn of digital music), was the grimmest period I’ve lived through.

The sunny, romanticized, halcyon stuff happened everywhere else but where I was — which is probably why I watched a mess of music videos and spent many nights trying to tune into remote radio stations as ways to tune out the there and then of my immediate circumstances.

Off-topic sidebar:

I love much of the pop music produced during the 1980s, and several of the songs produced then are ones which I still use to as index markers for specific months and seasons of specific years (and also to contextualize said songs with what I was getting through at that time). But being raised in one of the most conservative parts of one of the most conservative states in the union during the apex of Reaganism — and being the kind of child I was, along with the abysmal, violent parenting which came with it — I realize the 1980s, despite the breakneck culture shifts and emergent tech (like the aforementioned C64, the Memphis group, samplers, music videos, and the dawn of digital music), was the grimmest period I’ve lived through.

The sunny, romanticized, halcyon stuff happened everywhere else but where I was — which is probably why I watched a mess of music videos and spent many nights trying to tune into remote radio stations as ways to tune out the there and then of my immediate circumstances.

My wife is five years older than I am, so her experience as a Latina of the 1980s while living in east Los Angeles with a dysfunctional one parent family was very different than mine.

I remember my childhood by state, and then by the tech I had when the time in California stretched to 20 years. My dad followed aerospace industry jobs wherever they moved him in my childhood, but not my teen years. My wife remembers time according to when traumatic events happened. For her, the 1970s were the better period.

But as much as I love the 80s, because of everything I grabbed on to, it wasn't all fun and games. My experience does not compare of course, but there is a reason Gen-X is called the latchkey generation. I had keys to the house in 1981 and TV is always on for me as background noise - even when people are actually here.
Life absolutely is what you make of it. You either stay a victim of circumstance or you don't - fundamentally that is life right there; the struggle, you shape it and it shapes you. We absolutely have the strength and choice to define how much. It is different for all of us and is very real. The 80's were great to me in the sense that I'd most likely be dead if I had been born just a decade earlier - at best a vegetable. So yeah, I got a plate of it early on - I certainly dont let that define me, my journey, or my outlook on a pretty darn great (certainly not perfect) decade. We all have trauma and unfair crap served up hot n steamy within our journey. I focus on generational evolution, growth, success, prosperity & freedom that I and greater culture experience and are a product of as definers of and outlook on cyclical decades.

We all get a face full of it from time to time. Mother nature, just reminding us she'll be back to pick us up so we best get busy living the life she's loaning us. :)
You’re not alone. :)
I can’t stand today’s crap (I apologise for that purely subjective qualifier) — or even most of the pop music of the 1990s.
My wife hates 80s music…much prefers that of the 60s and 70s. She like her music serious and dealing with issues.

I just wanna have fun! Heh! :D
My wife hates 80s music…much prefers that of the 60s and 70s. She like her music serious and dealing with issues.

I just wanna have fun! Heh! :D

Since about 1982 (dating myself here), I’ve focussed on curating and archiving roughly the 90–95 per cent of pop music which didn’t get top 40/top 100 airplay in either the U.S. or the UK. I concentrate on stuff produced between roughly 1976 and 1993.

Because I’ve been doing this work pretty much constantly throughout all these years, I lack much in the way of nostalgia feels when listening to stuff from this period. I do, however, love making connections between (and also enjoy) the several Zeitgeists which were captured in the moment of when songs were produced. It’s these captured aesthetic qualities of particular Zeitgeists which constantly amaze me when unearthing new-to-me stuff (which, amazingly, still happens).
Since about 1982 (dating myself here), I’ve focussed on curating and archiving roughly the 90–95 per cent of pop music which didn’t get top 40/top 100 airplay in either the U.S. or the UK. I concentrate on stuff produced between roughly 1976 and 1993.
I'd sure love to dig into your archive! :D
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