It's not as bad as I thought. I just got the new generation Gear VR headset for Christmas and we set it up this morning. My parents and in-laws (all in their 80's) and my sister-in-law are over and we just finished taking turns using it and it's loads of fun. It is even more fun to watch someone using it. I was watching the great white shark one and my sister-in-law and my dad kept trying to scare me when the Great White shark was attacking the cage I was in. It was surprisingly immersive and the screen door effect was barely noticeable compared to the prior generation unit I tried on at the AT&T store. The crabs were the worst. They look like giant ticks.
I found myself trying to stomp on them, much to everyone's amusement.
I don't know how games are on it yet but just wandering around virtual environments was really fun. It felt weird taking the goggles off and finding myself back in my boring living room again. I think my mother-in-law is hooked. The S7 Edge that was in the goggles got warm but not hot. Nobody got sick from using the goggles a lot.
Well the food is ready to come out of the oven now so back to hostessing I go. Happy Holidays everyone.