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Apple Vision Pro has killed my interest in Mac, iPhone and iPad altogether.
That is actually happening. Apple spoil use with their future vision. But we still need Mac, iPhone and iPad for now at least. World is not going to change overnight, it would take a decade. However I will be the first adopter and be part of the process.
And this is possibly the main reason it's priced at $3499, it will kill off some of the shipping of other Apple devices.
I’m with the op on iPad. A Vision pro makes that unwanted for me. As well as cut back what I’d normally spend on other apple things. Of course we’ll have to wait and see how that goes meaning if the avp is capable.
Apple Vision Pro has killed my interest in Mac, iPhone and iPad altogether.

Woah woah woah let's not go that far. The Vision Pro isn't out and none of us have even tried it. Plus there's lots of stuff macOS does that visionOS does, namely INSTALLING APPS OUTSIDE OF AN APP STORE APPLE! WHERE'S MY SIDELOADING?!

You say your interest is killed now, but eventually that will change especially when your phone's old so it'll be time to get a new one because software updates have ceased.

Starting with the Mac, the MacBook Air 11-inch was my most beloved laptop. And I owned a lot of laptops, including PCs (Thinkpads, …). I was a big believer in a large MacBook Air. It is there, and I don’t want it. I bought the iMac M1 as soon as it was released, a phenomenal desktop computer, while I was not attracted by them (I love mobile computing).

I love the iPhone in my daily life as the most revolutionary device produced in the last 25 years. I jumped from small size to big size to bigger size to jumbo size. I even bought three 5.5-inch iPhones and two 6.7-inch iPhones. Although I am eager to see a 6.9-inch iPhone, I could not care less about the next iPhone 15.

The iPad 2 was my funniest computer experience. In 2011, I was carrying it everywhere, downloading every app, enjoying new ways of computing. I have been buying iPads on and off since then. Until now.

As of today, every news around Mac, iPhone or iPad seems dull.

It seems dull since you already got an ecosystem that works great. Of course you're not gonna be interested in a new Mac, iPhone, or iPad, since you already got one of each that works fantastic already. No need to waste money on every new iteration. You don't see me rushing to buy an M2 Pro Macbook Pro when my M1 Pro version still works great.

The reason? Apple Vision Pro. It aged all other form factor instantly. I just want to try it now. I just want to watch a 2-hour movie in it, or, do we say, on it?

Again, you haven't tried it. None of us have. There's lots of things the other form factors do better than others. The Mac form factor is perfect for serious work and the fact again macOS is a lot more open than iOS, iPadOS, and now visionOS. An iPhone is pocketable. An iPad is a slate that's easy to carry and can be held in many ways. The Vision form factor will be a great form factor no doubt, but it's not replacing the others when it has a different use case from the others, just like the others have their own use cases.

Apple has just cannibalized in advance many of its products by a 3-grand spacial computer. Brilliant. This new form factor with the Apple touch is going to change the way we compute.

No they didn't lmao. You can't make phone calls on the Vision Pro, only the iPhone can do that. You can't make apps on the Vision Pro, only the Mac can do that. You can't install apps from outside Apple's App Store, only the Mac can do that.

Spatial computing will be an option, but it's not gonna be the defacto option, just like how mobile computing with the iPhone and iPad hasn't killed desktops and laptops.
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Apple Vision Pro has killed my interest in Mac, iPhone and iPad altogether.
Hang on, now. Yes, Vision Pro is revolutionary. BUT! There's still many things that can't be done on it.

- Carrying it in your pocket? Fat chance (literally).

- Long battery life? ...Let's get back to you on that one o-o

- Physical keyboard? No... which means you don't get that satisfying feedback making it less sure of if you actually tapped a key or not.

- Phone calls. You could do video, but no traditional cell calls.

- Gaming: Well, yeah, VR gaming is a new library. But you also lose out on a ton of mobile and Mac games that outweight the VR gaming library.

- Of course, people will also sometimes look at you like you have 5 heads in public... and maybe chuckle that you spent $3000+. No offense, just how it is.

- Most importantly, file management. I don't know how much internal storage the Vision Pro will have, but you certainly won't be plugging an SSD or SD card into that thing.

- And of course, your eyes will no doubt get uncomfortable after extended use, which would kick in about half the length you'd use an iPad or Mac.
OP, I get it. I'm a bit in the same boat and was very hyped up last week for several days after the keynote. My imagination has been running a mile a minute with ideas I have for this thing. In fact, after the third time through the "one more thing" portion, I had to promise myself to never watch it again, at least for a little while. I was getting a little tired from being constantly excited.

There are a lot of people complaining about the look and price. I feel that's very short-sighted. I believe a future will arrive where a VERSION of this device is just as ubiquitous as the iPhone, Apple Watch, or AirPods. It will be smaller than what is coming out next year, but bigger than a normal pair of glasses or sunglasses. The internals and software will have improved exponentially by then to where the benefits to wearing it are so good that nobody cares what they look like walking around in it. It's not an invasive or strange looking piece of tech by then, but rather a model that blends in to your face way better and can run a good part of the day on battery alone. It will seamlessly blend real with digital in a helpful way, not a way that alienates you from your surroundings.

I am unapologetically optimistic about this platform. I keep imagining all the places I have TVs or tablets or screens of some other nature just going away unless I need them. I already wear glasses/sunglasses/computer glasses daily, so I can envision a day where I put on my glasses in the morning without even thinking about it, but they're powered by Apple Vision on my cellular network along with my Apple Watch or whatever other wearables are available at the time.

I'm so excited about this I can barely stand it. Right there with you.
- Physical keyboard? No... which means you don't get that satisfying feedback making it less sure of if you actually tapped a key or not.

They used physical keyboards (and I think mice) in the demo - so I don't think that is true.

- Phone calls. You could do video, but no traditional cell calls.

It will likely be the same as Mac where your phone calls also ring on the Mac - some with this likely.

- Of course, people will also sometimes look at you like you have 5 heads in public... and maybe chuckle that you spent $3000+. No offense, just how it is.

Like they did with airpods, yet they are in public... and now accepted. I expect many influencers will do things like tourist 3D stuff etc using the Vision Pro.

- And of course, your eyes will no doubt get uncomfortable after extended use, which would kick in about half the length you'd use an iPad or Mac.
I have heard it could go either way depending on the usecase... but you get eyestrain from focusing on monitors in front of you and focusing on books etc. which are very close... but the focal point of the Vision Pro will likely be several meters in front... and the images will by all measure be crisp.

I'm so excited about this I can barely stand it. Right there with you.
I'm also excited about VP, but it does have drawbacks. For example, when I'm surfing the net on my iPhone or iPad, and find something funny or interesting I want to share with another person, it's simple to hold out the device and just show it to them. That is something I'll miss if I were using VP.
to where the benefits to wearing it are so good that nobody cares what they look like walking around in it.
I’m pretty skeptical of society’s ability to overlook the superficial for the practical 😂. (Though personally I think the VP looks cool, but more in a sci-fi way, not real life “fashion” way.)
Of course, it’s a combination of things that a product needs in order for the mainstream to choose to wear it around in public, I believe 3 things—function, image, and price. And if it lacks in one area, it can try to redeem itself in another. But I think image is the hardest to make up for. People seem more willing to sacrifice function and money for image than the other way around. No one wants to look odd—that’s almost the definition of mainstream. Even if battery life goes way up, and size and price come way down, if it doesn’t look “good” (I know, that’s hard to define), even with all the great functionality we’ve seen and the near future functionality we imagine, I don’t think people will wear it ubiquitously and casually. Maybe just for specific tasks. I’m sure eventually it will get there though.
I'm also excited about VP, but it does have drawbacks. For example, when I'm surfing the net on my iPhone or iPad, and find something funny or interesting I want to share with another person, it's simple to hold out the device and just show it to them. That is something I'll miss if I were using VP.
I guess you could share it to their phone via airdrop or text etc, but that is extra hassle and assumes they have their phone. I’m sure Apple could fix the hassle issue (some “magic” gesture to instantly share a window), but it will probably require they also have a VP or at the very least an iPhone (not Android).
But I really don’t think headsets are going to replace most phones for any foreseeable future. Technological limitations will either mean headsets will be too big to be accepted socially, or they’ll need to be paired with a phone. At best, and I’m hoping for this, they’ll eventually just allow us to carry smaller phones.
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As of today, every news around Mac, iPhone or iPad seems dull.
Well it's already dull before this. The iPhone is not interesting for some time. The tech is stale. That's why the last year I was rarely here. I just lost interest.
I didn't watch this WWBC until 3 days later. I'm still using Monterey on my M1 MBA. I'm still using old iPad Air3. I have iPhone 14 Pro but it's still basically any iPhone in the last 3 years.

This rejuvenates my interest in tech. Suddenly we're in the new age, the age of the 3rd generation personal computing, and everything seems exciting again.. even Adaptive Audio in AirPods Pro sounds very exciting now lol.
I got a ton of notifications about this and to be honest, I didn't pay much attention to the Vision Pro so I didn't know it would have stuff like iOS app support, continuity calls, physical keyboard/mouse support, etc. So there's new knowledge :1
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