Sprint who switched to t mobileIt’s carrier dependent. Who is your provider?
Sprint who switched to t mobile
Voicemail is working. I can’t read my voicemails.Voicemail troubleshooting
Is your T-Mobile voicemail not working as expected? Learn the common issues and how to troubleshoot and fix the problem.www.t-mobile.com
I have iPhone 13 Pro Max with ATT. I have contacted the provider and they reset my voicemail password and also network reset. Still no visual voicemail. I have another phone and restored it from backup from my previous phone, visual voicemail shows on backup, switched the SIM card from the iPhone 13 Pro Max to the 11 pro back up and immediately the visual voicemails disappeared. Wondering if there is a connection to the Visual Voicemail and SIM cards being shipped with iPhone 13 Pro Max. Guess I will make another call to ATT and find out from them.
I get the indicators but never get the visual. I had a sprint SIM card before and was originally with them. They have converted to T Mobile. I already replaced the SIM card so maybe I need another one?Reset Network Settings. With T-Mobile, you also should do this after any iOS update -- in myarea, if I dont - I lose voicemail waiting indicators and no new visual voicemail.
Let me know how that works out and what the fix is. I may have to open a ticket also.same issue here__had to open a “ticket” with t-mobile because all the standard “fixes” did nothing. Been two days, no fix yet.
this happened with my XS Max. I remember it took a couple weeks for TMO to sort it then too. Glad they’ve improved in 3 years …
Last time (with the XS Max), there was nothing I could do on my end. It was all about T-Mobile getting its act together and allowing the Apple “transcription” service to talk to their servers and translate the voicemails. You should just open a ticket to get this moving. Why this doesn’t just happen automatically with the setup of a new phone is beyond me.Let me know how that works out and what the fix is. I may have to open a ticket also.