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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 27, 2014
I wonder if there will be lines at the UPS depots tomorrow. Judging by some of the threads here, there just may be. I hope not everyone in my city was smart (or dumb) enough to hold the shipment for will call.
Probably not anything too crazy.

There have been some small lines firs tthing in the morning in my experience (speaking in general, not specifically iPhone launches) of people trying to ship or pickup. They get through you pretty quickly though.
Maybe a few right at opening.

But I think many of us picked will-call because we can't be home all day waiting on a shipment. So the will-call affords us the flexibility to pick it up when we want... which will vary from person to person.

I hope to pick mine up 10:30 ish. I don't expect a line
I remember when I made Fedex hold my iPad a few years ago on launch day. I went around noon and the lady up front was telling me how I was the 20th or so pickup of the same exact box that morning lol
Nothing as big as the Apple store lines, but I suspect there will be a lot more than usual.
My local depot opens at 9am. It's located across the street from a very large tech company (also my employer). I fully expect there to be a line. But it'll be a fun line because everybody there will know there's a phone with their name on it, literally.
There will probably be a line right when they open for all the people who did will call just so they can get their iPhone as soon as possible and not wait for the UPS guy.

I'm going to UPS during my lunch hour, I don't anticipate any long lines.
I'm just going to sit at home and wait for the delivery person to show up. Usually happens early afternoon!! (I order stuff ALL THE TIME)
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