Any ideas what could be wrong?
I had walkie talkie working fine on watchOS 9.0.x
My ultra could connect with my partners S8
Not sure if it’s 9.1 but now I try to connect and I see the spinning throbber and it says unavailable.
However if she tries to contact me it connects fine
So I removed her and re added her and she wouldnt get the invitation.
If she removed me and re-added me I would get the invitation but the it still wouldn’t let me contact her
FaceTime settings are all correct. I can FaceTime her on number and email so it’s all good there.
So I tried to turn off Bluetooth on both our phones so the watch would rely on home wifi and walkie talkie works perfectly fine.
Turned Bluetooth on and the watches are back connected to the phones and again the same problem happens.
Any ideas?
I had walkie talkie working fine on watchOS 9.0.x
My ultra could connect with my partners S8
Not sure if it’s 9.1 but now I try to connect and I see the spinning throbber and it says unavailable.
However if she tries to contact me it connects fine
So I removed her and re added her and she wouldnt get the invitation.
If she removed me and re-added me I would get the invitation but the it still wouldn’t let me contact her
FaceTime settings are all correct. I can FaceTime her on number and email so it’s all good there.
So I tried to turn off Bluetooth on both our phones so the watch would rely on home wifi and walkie talkie works perfectly fine.
Turned Bluetooth on and the watches are back connected to the phones and again the same problem happens.
Any ideas?