This may be old news to some, but I'm sure there are a ton of people who unaware. Also can't edit the title it should be "sharper" lol 
As a owner of a MBA and a MBPR i know the difference between screens fairly well. I am also used to TN panels from my gaming rig monitors, being they are the only type of monitors that offer low input lag and response time. IPS panels are not good for that.
Anyway, i often see people say the MBA screen is SOOOO BAD. And while yes its not the "retina" you can make the screen A HELL of a lot better. To me its not the grainer text that bothers me, its the contrast & color reproduction. But there are TONS of TV's on the market they actually aren't full blown IPS but can still give you a great picture if "calibrated" correctly.
Follow this link and if you happen to have the LG panel which comes shipped quite washed out, this will give you a NIGHT & DAY difference. It literally made my 2015 MBA look like i had the panel replaced with a better one lol. I see a lot of people return their MBA because it comes a tad yellow out of the box in exchange for another, playing the display lottery. When in reality, it could just not be calibrated from the factory.
Mine came a tad washed out out of the box but with this custom color profile it made a unbelievable difference. I wish i could show the difference but i doubt a screen shot wouldn't work
Apple does have its built in calibration, but it kinda sucks. While i never had to calibrate my MBPR, after downloading this custom color profile for my 2015 MBA, its unreal the difference it made for "color & contrast" reproduction. Give it a try. Going back to the old stock setting via display, made it look like there was a haze on the screen, as in washed out. I would love to see some peoples results.
It also boils down to "taste" some people prefer a warm natural color, others a more cool neutral.
As a owner of a MBA and a MBPR i know the difference between screens fairly well. I am also used to TN panels from my gaming rig monitors, being they are the only type of monitors that offer low input lag and response time. IPS panels are not good for that.
Anyway, i often see people say the MBA screen is SOOOO BAD. And while yes its not the "retina" you can make the screen A HELL of a lot better. To me its not the grainer text that bothers me, its the contrast & color reproduction. But there are TONS of TV's on the market they actually aren't full blown IPS but can still give you a great picture if "calibrated" correctly.
Follow this link and if you happen to have the LG panel which comes shipped quite washed out, this will give you a NIGHT & DAY difference. It literally made my 2015 MBA look like i had the panel replaced with a better one lol. I see a lot of people return their MBA because it comes a tad yellow out of the box in exchange for another, playing the display lottery. When in reality, it could just not be calibrated from the factory.
Mine came a tad washed out out of the box but with this custom color profile it made a unbelievable difference. I wish i could show the difference but i doubt a screen shot wouldn't work
Apple does have its built in calibration, but it kinda sucks. While i never had to calibrate my MBPR, after downloading this custom color profile for my 2015 MBA, its unreal the difference it made for "color & contrast" reproduction. Give it a try. Going back to the old stock setting via display, made it look like there was a haze on the screen, as in washed out. I would love to see some peoples results.
It also boils down to "taste" some people prefer a warm natural color, others a more cool neutral.
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