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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 15, 2016
Bedford, Texas 76021
My watch got hacked. I see it on my Router when it is truned off and it shows its coming from the Ethernet port. Had to stop using it all together.
Your watch didnt get hacked. You're porbably just seeing the list of devices that previously connected. When you connect with your watch again the router will assign the same ip. Relax and enjoy your watch.
Nope my Watch did for sure get hacked. I do not use it on my router. Then my iPhone had to be formed also, as the hackers would just get in to it!
Haha, you need to read up about the things you buy and how they work before posting in forums!
So you think because your watch is connected to your home network, you think it's been hacked?!
My watch shows connected to Ethernet on my router when it's connected to the airport express in the bedroom which is connected to my router via Ethernet.
Probably the same thing happening to you.
You guy's should be ashamed. The OP is correct, there is a world order conspiracy a foot and we must protect ourselves. This is why I have developed my patented protection iDevice. It is guaranteed to work and I'm offering it to all responsible :apple:Watch owners for a starting price of only $299.00.

In before the wasteland.

OP, it is highly unlikely your watch was "hacked". If it is working properly, enjoy it!
USA today has a report on that denial of service attack friday. The point they make is that all those internet WIFI connected devices such as TVs DVD players and remote viewing cameras have little or none security and may have been used by hackers to stage the attacks. That being said I'm sure that Apple is aware of the potential and provides plenty of security on its wearable and mobile devices. Apple wallet especially is set up with plenty of security.
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