I’m curious, did you find a resolution or do we wait for an update?
My watch is experiencing pretty much the same issue, however, it shuts down at roughly the same time every day place it on the charger and within seconds is ver 50%
{"os_version":"Watch OS 6.2.1 (17T530)","incident_id":"1393FDBC-5B23-49E5-B2DA-BFBD414C93B5","timestamp":"2020-05-01 18:30:13.00 -0700","bug_type":"120"}
{"os_version":"Watch OS 6.2.1 (17T530)","bug_type":"120"}
Incident Identifier: 7D11A338-840E-4A59-8E2A-97F91D59EDD6
CrashReporter Key: 1025ec72ec245c9a5a7e42b2118b3ca9f8012397
Date: 2020-05-01 18:30:12 -0700
OS Version: Watch OS 6.2.1 (17T530)
bluetoothd: com.apple.BTStack PreventUserIdleSystemSleep == 255, held for 00:03:12
Foreground Applications: com.apple.ClockFace
Screen Brightness: 0.000000
Hardware Model: N121sAP (Series 3 38mm GPS)
Awake Time: 03:20:36 (12035)
Standby Time: 10:58:42 (39521)
Partial Charge: 0
Capacity: 56
Voltage: 2976 mV
VDD_OK1: 1
VDD_OK2: (null)