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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 5, 2012
I need another person to know what I'm busy and available, but not to bog them down with all my person calendar details. We are fine sharing a calendar (we use both Calendar iOS and OS X and Busy Cal currently and share a few already) but i have a number of calendars that i keep and i have things on them that take my time (i list myself as "busy") and other things that don't require me (listed as "Free"). From what i can tell this Busy/Free listing is just in the iOS Calendar App.

so what i need:

something that sees all my "Busy" blocks across multiple calendar in any of the programs i use and creates a generic blocked out timeslot on a separate shared calendar.

I'm fine with using a few apps to get it done as long as once it is fully set up it is fairly automated, my calendar changes a lot and this person need to be able to look at see the current accurate status fairly regularly.
any idea how i can get this done????


PS is there a way list as busy and free from the OS X version of Calendar that i am not seeing?
Sounds like a topic I'd replied to a little while ago, so hopefully these options might help out.

  • - add all your calendars and it'll give you a link to a web page (sorry, only seems to do a web calendar view rather than creating a calendar you can share into another calendar app).
  • If you're using outlook 2016 you could make use of it's internet free/busy feature : I'm not sure how you'd easily combine all your different calendars into one to share however...

You can set free/busy status on calendar app by double clicking the event to edit it, then tap on the date/alert area, it'll then expand to show your status. Depending on the type of calendar service you're using you may get more/less options here depending on what is supported.
Yeah I had found that old thread and looked up that website. Mostly works but is pretty clunky. Plus the need to look on the webpage for the info.

I'm also finding a silly problem, I can change the busy status of a subscribed calendar?? I have a "when I work" account that imports my shifts into a special calendar and updates whenever my boss moves us around. But stupidly it does now show me as busy.
Chances are if you're simply subscribing to a calendar, it is effectively read-only so unless they set the busy state there you'll be unable to modify it yourself.
Yeah that's basically what's happening, however in this case it is not a calendar that I'm suscribed to (where maybe I could ask the person making it to change the setting) but rather a program that is creating a custom calendar for me. So it's a crazy shame that is not assumed that I'm busy during my shifts! I'll go back thru the scheduling program to see if there are more setting I haven't seen. Still very clunky.
Chances are if you're simply subscribing to a calendar, it is effectively read-only so unless they set the busy state there you'll be unable to modify it yourself.
sadly this situation has not gotten any better with Apple apps, has anyone found other good work arounds? hopefully without leaving some of the apps i know and love like fantastical?
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