I have this very old WDTV that is supposed to run all types of codecs and it does. Recently a new format came up (H265-HEVC). Any way, it can't play that format.
I thought about upgrading to the new WDTV but I was told the newer devices are less capable than the older ones.
Any one knows a good replacement for my old WDTV? a cheap home theater mini pc? Rasberry Pi? I thought of getting a mac mini but thats very expensive for something that runs media files.
I thought about upgrading to the new WDTV but I was told the newer devices are less capable than the older ones.
Any one knows a good replacement for my old WDTV? a cheap home theater mini pc? Rasberry Pi? I thought of getting a mac mini but thats very expensive for something that runs media files.