It overwrites the usual 'slightly cloudy' messages with a message saying the air sucks. This effects the apple watch weather complication too. And it stays there all the time 24hrs since I live in a city.
I get it my air sucks. I can't do anything about it. I'm trying to get the weather anyways, not the air 'quality'. Whatever that means, since I have no idea what metric they use to determine poor air anyways.
It overwrites the usual 'slightly cloudy' messages with a message saying the air sucks. This effects the apple watch weather complication too. And it stays there all the time 24hrs since I live in a city.
I get it my air sucks. I can't do anything about it. I'm trying to get the weather anyways, not the air 'quality'. Whatever that means, since I have no idea what metric they use to determine poor air anyways.