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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 25, 2007
Anyone else still use the Weather widget on the Dashboard and notice it's not working over the past few days?
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Looks like that weather widget has stopped working. I thought it might have been a problem with Mojave, so I booted to another boot system. Weather widget doesn't do anything on Sierra, or Yosemite, either.
Thanks for the confirmation. I used it frequently, but Dashboard seems to be less popular, anymore. Given that Sierra and High Sierra are (unofficially) still supported, I would hope that Apple would fix it.
Not sure if my one response is really "confirmation". So far, it's just anecdotal.
And, other dashboard widgets continue to function, and for me, it's just the weather that just sits there, doing nothing.

But, you could be correct about the status of the Dashboard, in general. Maybe that will be going away in macOS 10.15 (?)
You can do something like the dashboard with the weather tab in the notifications center.
I've not experimented with that till just now. I usually have kept a set of weather widgets in the Dashboard (various locations for local weather for relatives/friends), and the notifications center can show the same local info, just really basic stuff.
You're right, the plural of anecdote is not data, but I suspect the data source for the weather widget is deprecated, and the widget hasn't been updated to utilize a new data source. I've never caught on to the notification center and have all notifications disabled, but I may have to try that.
Weather is not a notification.
It is available for your use in the Today tab of the notification center. It is probably already running, showing your present location. You can click on the edit button at the bottom of the center to change what information is presented on "Today"
I am pretty sure that the weather notification uses the same data source (from The Weather Channel) as the Dashboard weather widget. As I said, it's apparently not related to the system in use, as the weather widget doesn't work when booting to an older system. As you say, it must be the data source.
I looked at the version of that weather widget. It's version 2.0.8 on Lion, and still the same version number on the latest Mojave beta.
(Strangely enough, weather widget works great on my old eMac running Leopard. o_O )
I found it, that was probably the first time I've opened Notifications in a year or more. I meant to say that I don't use the Notifications feature in general.

Perhaps the recent MacOS update broke the Dashboard weather widget? But that wouldn't explain it not working on Sierra, since I think Sierra no longer receives updates.
A recent change in the current macOS does not explain why the weather widget no longer works in Lion (not updated in at least 5 years)
Your other guess is more likely, that the source (from Weather Channel) has been blocked.
However, Weather Channel also provides the data for the Weather notification, which continues to work. So, with that in mind --- Who knows? (not me)
Same problem here. Anybody have an idea how to get the weather widget back online?
Broken in 10.14.3 and 10.14.4 as well. Looks like the Yahoo data is down.

After a five minutes google ... guessing it might be related to this :
"Important EOL Notice: As of Thursday, Jan. 3, 2019, the and for Yahoo Weather API will be retired."

I just fired up an old PowerBook with OS X 10.5. The Apple provided widget uses AccuWeather data and that still works fine! So it changed somewhere between 10.6 and 10.9 to Yahoo.

Pulled the widget off the 10.5 machine, but doesn't work on 10.14.

Went looking for other alternative widgets most are at least 10 years old!. This is the only one I can find that still works :
Broken in 10.14.3 and 10.14.4 as well. Looks like the Yahoo data is down.

After a five minutes google ... guessing it might be related to this :
"Important EOL Notice: As of Thursday, Jan. 3, 2019, the and for Yahoo Weather API will be retired."

I just fired up an old PowerBook with OS X 10.5. The Apple provided widget uses AccuWeather data and that still works fine! So it changed somewhere between 10.6 and 10.9 to Yahoo.

Pulled the widget off the 10.5 machine, but doesn't work on 10.14.

Went looking for other alternative widgets most are at least 10 years old!. This is the only one I can find that still works :
Thank you for the valuable information.
I downloaded the AccuWeather widget. Works perfectly.
Actually I got tired of the Yahoo Weather widget over the years. It had a lot of problems.
Finally peace in this area, thanks to you.
Sounds like Apple needs to update the widget's data source. I actually use Accuweather's website when I want an extended forecast on my desktop / laptop PCs, and use their app on the iPad (which doesn't have an official weather app). Their dashboard widget isn't as slick as Apple's, but compared to the Apple one that doesn't work, it's definitely a winner, LOL. Thanks for the link!

I suspect Dashboard widgets are not a priority for Apple--there was a time when it was the next big thing and Apple keyboards had a dedicated function key for activating Dashboard.
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The standard Apple weather widget seems to be working this morning. Tried a couple a random new locations to display weather info, and all came up instantly.
Whatever was happening with the data feed appears to be fixed now.
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Disappointed... I'm back to using the Accuweather widget but it doesn't look as nice as the Apple widget, nor is it as intuitive (and doesn't have location services integration).
Finally decided to fix the non-working Weather Widget. The link posted earlier to another thread had the solution for me on macOS Mojave 10.14.5.

1) Download and unzip the archive:

2) Disable SIP.

3) Rename the file: System/Library/WidgetResources/.parsers/weatherParser.js

4) Move the unzipped "weatherParser.js" to the above location. (Disregard the included Weather.wdgt .)

5) Enable SIP, or Log Out and Log In.

Done! It only shows a two day forecast at the moment for my location, but I'm fine with that.
Broken in 10.14.3 and 10.14.4 as well. Looks like the Yahoo data is down.

After a five minutes google ... guessing it might be related to this :
"Important EOL Notice: As of Thursday, Jan. 3, 2019, the and for Yahoo Weather API will be retired."

I just fired up an old PowerBook with OS X 10.5. The Apple provided widget uses AccuWeather data and that still works fine! So it changed somewhere between 10.6 and 10.9 to Yahoo.

Pulled the widget off the 10.5 machine, but doesn't work on 10.14.

Went looking for other alternative widgets most are at least 10 years old!. This is the only one I can find that still works :
Thank you SO much. This works perfectly! After literally HOURS of googling, I've found a simple solution, thanks to your post. The accuweather widget is just that-- a wdgt file instead of an app file. So it can be dropped right into the widget file in a mac's library file. And presto! It opens with dashboard, not desktop!
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