I thought I'd have a root around to see if there's any viable, easy and free alternative to Dropbox now support is on the way out.
Whilst I couldn't find anything that offers everything Dropbox does (that doesn't cost anything), I think using the WebDav protocol might come close.
First sign up for some free online storage that's compatible with WebDav on a Mac:
These services offer free storage along with paid subscription and allow you to connect using WebDav - which on a Mac is simple:
Finder/Go/Connect to Server.....then fill in the details as supplied by the online storage provider.
Your online storage is then mounted as a virtual drive which is read/write accessible system wide, so you can use from applications or drag and drop. If you add the drive as a login item, it will be mounted at startup so it's always ready.
WebDav clients are available for Linux, Windows and smartphones too so all devices can have access.
At a lower level of functionality, the Goliath utility is faster at web transfers with WebDav but doesn't mount a virtual drive - however it works on OS9 to Leopard!
Available here:
A final point, as we are dealing with network drives, it's a good idea to prevent .DS_Store files being created, so
execute this command in Terminal:
defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores true
I've only done a brief investigation of these as I don't personally have much use for Dropbox - I'm betting someone out there can squeeze more functionality out of using WebDav.
Whilst I couldn't find anything that offers everything Dropbox does (that doesn't cost anything), I think using the WebDav protocol might come close.
First sign up for some free online storage that's compatible with WebDav on a Mac:
These services offer free storage along with paid subscription and allow you to connect using WebDav - which on a Mac is simple:
Finder/Go/Connect to Server.....then fill in the details as supplied by the online storage provider.
Your online storage is then mounted as a virtual drive which is read/write accessible system wide, so you can use from applications or drag and drop. If you add the drive as a login item, it will be mounted at startup so it's always ready.
WebDav clients are available for Linux, Windows and smartphones too so all devices can have access.
At a lower level of functionality, the Goliath utility is faster at web transfers with WebDav but doesn't mount a virtual drive - however it works on OS9 to Leopard!
Available here:
A final point, as we are dealing with network drives, it's a good idea to prevent .DS_Store files being created, so
execute this command in Terminal:
defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores true
I've only done a brief investigation of these as I don't personally have much use for Dropbox - I'm betting someone out there can squeeze more functionality out of using WebDav.