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macrumors 68040
Jan 15, 2006
Cheers for the feedback!

Not going to lie but I found this week's theme pretty tricky! Should have got the camera out in the library for some "people at work" shots!

Thanks again


macrumors regular
Oct 5, 2005
A big congratulations to everyone.

Think there are some great shots here and it's a pity nobody was too sure what the brief was as it's lead to some really quite harsh feedback.

Roll on the next subject!


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
Amammad: I certainly wasn't trying to be "harsh," and I already mentioned that I failed to get the category well-defined enough... so I did put that blame on myself.

I tried to make my comments honest, explanatory and fair. How else do we learn from each other? In that light, I appreciate your comment about my feedback, and take it into consideration. :) Just remember these contests are strictly learning exercises, and strictly one person's opinion on a given week based on a topic of their choosing. I could have just picked a winner, and offered no explanation. And that would be one heck of a lot easier... ;) Maybe in the future that's the way to go. What does eveyone think? I'll go along with the crowd here.


macrumors 65832
Oct 25, 2006
FWIW, I think the critiques/criticism is great and much appreciated. Hopefully that can carry on in the future.


macrumors newbie
Feb 1, 2008


Thank you for the feedback. I appreciate it very much. My shot was not intended as a portrait - I meant it more as a story. I can see your point on framing and expression, it's very helpful.



Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
I think the critique was handled well. When anyone who follows these contests shoots pictures of people, they will have a little more knowledge of styles when they peer through the viewfinder. The topic was one that pdxflint has a background in that most of us don't, photojournalism. If you follow his work in POTD, pictures of people that convey a message about what is going on is his strength in photography. Even his shots of fishing boats on the Oregon coast tell a story. I follow the contests to add tools to my mental gear bag. This one was well worth the while and I think everyone did a great job.



macrumors 6502a
Apr 19, 2008
Las Vegas, Nv
Negrito: first of all, it doesn't fit the category... other than that, the first thing that comes to mind is one word; tripod. ;)

This was tough. I read your little briefing at least ten times, and couldnt figure out what you meant, so i just went with 'people at work'. I know i need a tripod, but i can usually manage handheld, or leaning on something. This one i was trying to balance on a fence as the two gentlemen in the foreground pushed the cable car back to its starting position. I know not my best picture, but i like it. :)

Oh, and i really like getting the full comments after the contest, no matter how harsh. I know im no pro, and i just hope that i can learn something from all the talented folks that frequent this board.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
Well, thanks guys. I'm just glad nobody's mad...

And NeGRit0, you make a really good point. As tough as I was on some of the photos based on my expectations, I also deserve equally tough criticism for failing to be clear about what my topic was. What seemed to me, the writer, as something quite clear... obviously was a false assumption on my part. It's a good lesson: to re-read what I write as someone else might read it before hitting "submit."

BTW: I actually did like your streetcar shot, the concept and the light, etc. The blurriness was the major issue. Go back with a tripod, see what happens... :)

Anyway, it was a fun week, and I'm just glad not to be on the hot seat this week. :D

deep diver

macrumors 68030
Jan 17, 2008
Great job everyone.

Indydenny -- once again, your image is beautiful and takes me back 31 years when I lived in Jerusalem. I spent a lot of time in the Old City while taking breaks from studying. Your images prove that the more things change the more they do stay the same.

pdxflint -- I did not enter this week. I have been extremely busy and (given my very low energy) was not able to decipher your intent. Looking at the quality of your critique, I wish I had been able to submit something. I like the honest, to the point feedback that you give. It is that kind of feedback that pushes me to get better at this.


macrumors 6502
Nov 16, 2004
pdxflint--I think if we were looking for cheerleading we'd head over to flikr. Excellent feedback--I learned a few things.


macrumors regular
Oct 5, 2005
When anyone who follows these contests shoots pictures of people, they will have a little more knowledge of styles when they peer through the viewfinder. The topic was one that pdxflint has a background in that most of us don't, photojournalism.

I agree totally and I appreciate every winner taking the time to critique which I know is above and beyond what is asked.

And I'm not looking for a cheerleader. :rolleyes:

However, for someone starting out, I've been reluctant to post my efforts and have just been watching what's been posted until I felt competent enough to contribute. Reading some of the comments on this months submissions has only made me less likely to contribute.

I read the brief and I thought many of the great pics here fitted the bill really well.

Just feels a bit "off" to admit that the brief was a bit hazy and then to be quite so harsh in your critique. I just felt that some pics here were good photos but given a bad critique for not understanding the brief.

I'd like to see this topic resurface, even it it's critiqued again by PDXFlint, so everyone can have another crack with a better understanding of what's required.

No offense meant to PDX and I do appreciate your knowledge and skills.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
In hindsight, I would have directed the contest participants to this description of "environmental portrait" from wikipedia. But... as I said previously, my bad.

In the future I'd like to re-visit this subject, because I think a lot of the folks here would really do well, and it is a great opportunity to have people as subjects in a different style compared to studio portraits.

Maybe next time we can have another crack at this... ;)

Again, thanks all for bearing with me this week. -phil


macrumors regular
Oct 5, 2005
In the future I'd like to re-visit this subject, because I think a lot of the folks here would really do well, and it is a great opportunity to have people as subjects in a different style compared to studio portraits.

Fingers crossed.

I'm sure you'll be chosen as winner again before too long so maybe we can give it another go then?

Thanks for the wiki link too.


macrumors 65816
Jan 16, 2009
For what it's worth, I say great job this week. I appreciate when the topic is an "easy kill" and we got lots of participation and I like it when it's more of a challenge like this week because it makes you put a lot of thought into it. I agree with everyone else and encourage all the judges to continue to make comments if they have the time. That's the most constructive part of this contest to me.


macrumors 6502
Jan 5, 2002

I have learned more from this contest than from the different books I have read! I REALLY appreciate the feedback. I often read thru the suggestions and then look back at the various photos to try and "picture" it.

I do have other photos with the shopkeeper more "dominant" in the photo but thought that this one told a better "story," since you had to find him. But I'm learning and now that I look at the other photos, I certainly agree with the suggestion. Thanks to everyone who gives feedback. It is very helpful!


deep diver

macrumors 68030
Jan 17, 2008
However, for someone starting out, I've been reluctant to post my efforts and have just been watching what's been posted until I felt competent enough to contribute. Reading some of the comments on this months submissions has only made me less likely to contribute.

This is unfortunate and I encourage you to rethink this. We are a good community and all of us are interested in improving. You might also want to visit the Fortnightly Challenge. It is a C&C forum with a lot of open discussion. This might be a way to help you feel more comfortable.

The current thread is coming to an end but can be found at The thread to choose the new topic is at
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