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macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
My entry


SLC Flyfishing

Original poster
Nov 19, 2007
Portland, OR
OK, here are the results of this weeks contest. I'd first off like to say that there were some really fantastic shots submitted this week, I really liked some people's interpretation of the meaning of the word Emptiness, and I also really liked the common theme of gloom, fog, etc; all of which tend to bring me down if I'm exposed to them too long, leaving me feeling "empty" you might say.

Anyway comments:

Macrumormonger: I like this shot; very clear, very stark, and like I mentioned above, I think that the empty streets, combined with the cloudy sky create a sense of isolation. I feel lonely just looking at the photo. Great Job.

mtbdudex: I really love this shot, it combines so much of what I was thinking when I decided on the topic for this week's contest. I love the fog, the fact that the water, earth, and sky are all blended together by the fog to create a sensation of not knowing where one ends and the other begins. there's not a lot of visual information to grab onto here, but it makes it a powerful image. If I had one suggestion, I might try dodging the house and shoreline some more to make it even more faded. Overall, this is a great image!

Razeus: I kept coming back to this photo all week. It's pretty simple, not a lot to analyze. But I just kept imagining that chair, and what it would say about it's feelings if it had any. I'd bet that this chair would feel empty, both because it's no longer really desirable, but also because it's apparently been so poorly treated, and abused. I know it's silly to imagine the feelings of a piece of furniture, but there you have it. I felt like it was a very risky shot for this theme, but I think the risk paid off overall.

Telecomm: Interesting statue, and yes the figure does appear to be tired, all used up, worn out etc. I think this image could benefit from a different angle, zoomed in more etc, but it's still pretty good, nice work.

MattSepeta: I love the colors here, very well done. I'm not sure just how well this image conveys the theme to me personally however. It's a large empty space, but I don't feel like I could get lost there, and I don't get the same gloomy feeling as some of the other shots here. But like I said, I really like the colors, especially where they are reflected on the shore.

Jodelli: I'm not sure what to think here, I love the old architecure, but I wonder if the image isn't spoiled for this theme because of the crowd at the (baseball stadium?) in the foreground. Again, a different perspective might have been better for this one. What do the grounds surrounding these empty buildings look like, would they have helped convey the message?

Maddagascar: Again, I'm not really taken back by this image, sure it's of an empty driveway at night, with a lonely streetlight there at the edge; but apart from that I'm not sure it does much for me.

Oblomow: Cool image, I like the expansiveness of the surroundings, and the few dead trees really add to the theme. I think you were on the right track here, the only real suggestion I might venture to offer would be to go back at dusk and take advantage of the moody light.

heyisti: Again, this image fails to strike me beyond noticing that the alleyway is empty. I like the way you shot into the sun, I like the look of the rundown buildings, but to me ultimately it's just an empty alleyway, maybe too literal for this theme.

Atken: Nice shot, and good idea. Empty shoes, empty beach, you've got a real pattern going. Maybe shoot with a wider angle next time because this shot feels pretty cramped and I think it detracts from the shot.

deep diver: Again, it's a textbook shot of hundreds of empty stadium seats, I see where you were going with this. My one complaint is that it may have been a little predictable for this topic.

the1sttransport: Where was this shot from? I'm interested to know. Again it was a nice thought, but ultimately I feel like I'm cramped tight into whatever it is that this was shot from inside of. It may be a huge room with 50 foot high ceilings, but if that's the case a wider angle might have given a better effect.

NeGRitO: Really nice shot, great color, great contrast, I love the range of colors here. I really like the shot, one suggestion would be to include something to allow the viewer to judge scale, I have no idea just how far off the sun peeking though the clouds is. It looks like it may have been 300-400 yards, but I just can't really tell.

davegregory: I absolutely love this shot, I love the PP, the combination of foreground, middle ground, and background. And the dead tree as the subject really ties it all in nicely. Great work, and nice interpretation of the theme.

JDDavis: Again, not sure what to think about this one. I notice that I mentioned an empty container in my description of the theme, but the composition here leaves something to be desired for me.

Chappers: Another great submission, I like the look of emptiness on her face (well I like it for this theme), she appears to be all but spent. Years of troubles and stress are evident on her face, and she may not have much left. I was hoping for a shot like this! I do wonder if a B&W draft of this image might hit a little harder.

Nomad01: Good idea, but tough location. The curve of the hall makes me wonder what's just around the corner; which makes me think about all the possibilities, and forget about any emptiness.

rekud300: Again, I'm wondering about this image. Sure it's an empty pool, but what else? The area surrounding it is heavily crowded, and I don't get much of a sense of emptiness here.

H2Ockey: Another shot that I really really like. Again incorporating elements of fog, gloom, decay, etc. The old boat that's been landlocked, rotting, and unable to move is a nice touch. Like someone just decided to cut their losses and forget about the boat. And I can't tell just where the shoreline might be, which is a nice element considering the theme of the contest.

Abyssgh0st: Interesting shot, where was this taken? I like it for a quirky shot of something out of the ordinary, but I don't get a sense of emptiness from the image.

BarryJ: I like this shot a lot as well. I can't help but wonder just how far off the nearest sign of civilization is. I am left looking at this house in the middle of nowhere, with a fence that goes on, probably forever. Nice shot!!

grassland: I like this one too, compositionally I think it could have used a better capture, or an HDR treatment (which I realize is probably impossible without doing it from a single RAW file). But that girl is riding off to who knows where. I work with homeless individuals at the moment and so many of them live these lives that seem so empty, so hollow to me. Part of that comes from being transient, drifting from place to place and never really setting down roots anywhere. This was a good submission.

SQBlue: Really nice shot, thanks for squeezing it in today! Again falling on the theme of vast expanse of empty land. I can't tell what's in the distance which is sort of the point isn't it? The tree in the mist is a nice touch too!

Compuwar: I like this one too, mainly because I'm imagining that it must be clear out in the middle of nowhere, away from the trail, away from civilization, and I'm imagining that this place doesn't see a lot of foot traffic. Again though, I feel a little boxed in (maybe I've been cooped up in my office for too long today?) I need to get out.

OK winners!

3rd: Chappers. Again, great take on the theme, and nice implementation of your take.

2nd: Tie between davegregory and H2Ockey, with tie breaker (in case the winner can't host the contest next week) going to davegregory. I really like these shots, and they were ever so close to being the winners this week. You both really drew me in with these.

1st: mtbdudex!!!! I can't stop looking at this photo, fantastic job! Again, I feel like I could get lost out there, never to be seen again. Congratulations, now get the next weeks contest underway!

Nice work everyone!



macrumors 6502a
Feb 13, 2009
I've never actually seen this type of thread before. Is this a regular thing? I live most of the pictures, but I would have to disagree with the rankings of these pictures. OP, may I recommend adding a poll to these types of threads.

SLC Flyfishing

Original poster
Nov 19, 2007
Portland, OR
I've never actually seen this type of thread before. Is this a regular thing? I live most of the pictures, but I would have to disagree with the rankings of these pictures. OP, may I recommend adding a poll to these types of threads.

This is a regular thing, the way it works is that the winner then hosts the next weeks contest, choosing a theme and judging the submissions. It's been this way for exactly 2 years now (I initiated the first contest on March 9th 2008). The contest changes hands every week; as it stands with the rules that have been settled upon, no, a poll can not be added.



macrumors 6502a
Feb 13, 2009
This is a regular thing, the way it works is that the winner then hosts the next weeks contest, choosing a theme and judging the submissions. It's been this way for exactly 2 years now (I initiated the first contest on March 9th 2008). The contest changes hands every week; as it stands with the rules that have been settled upon, no, a poll can not be added.


Oh, okay. That is cool. I'm a bit surprised I've never seen this before. Maybe I should enter sometime :D


macrumors regular
Aug 25, 2008
I've never actually seen this type of thread before. Is this a regular thing? I live most of the pictures, but I would have to disagree with the rankings of these pictures. OP, may I recommend adding a poll to these types of threads.

Yes it is a regular thing. It has progressed quite a bit from its inception just a couple years ago but I think most are happy where it is right now. Some similar types of "contest" on other photo sites are judged with polls but personally I like this the way it is. It is interesting and helpful to hear another persons perspective on your picture.

As far as disagreeing with the rankings? Well I know when I judged I must have used the statement "artistic differences" about 3 or 4 times. Sometimes that is all it comes down to.

We also have the biweekly challenge where mass/group feedback is more encouraged.

*edit* tee hee hadn't refreshed my page didn't see the previous responses.

PS Thanks SLC for the subject and judging... I was actually a little hesitant to post this shot becasue I felt mtbdudex's shot was a little better.


macrumors member
Nov 30, 2009
Good Choice

SLC Flyfishing, Great Choice on the winner. That image caught my eye right off the bat and knew it would be tough to top.

Thanks for the input on the pic of the pool, it just caught me that the pool was so calm, although I do understand what you are saying.

SLC Flyfishing

Original poster
Nov 19, 2007
Portland, OR
SLC Flyfishing, Great Choice on the winner. That image caught my eye right off the bat and knew it would be tough to top.

Thanks for the input on the pic of the pool, it just caught me that the pool was so calm, although I do understand what you are saying.

Thanks for your comment, I worry that people might take my criticism a little too personally. I really am serious when I say that there is not a bad photo in the bunch this week. I try and just sit back and notice which ones really grab me. All the photos were well executed, and all had strengths. I wish I had more time to comment more in depth on each of them but it's midterms at University this week :mad:

Anyway, like I said, great job, I too was struck by how calm the pool was. I love pools at night when the light shines from the bottom, and the water is as smooth as glass. Very beautiful.



macrumors 68000
Jan 12, 2009
Abyssgh0st: Interesting shot, where was this taken? I like it for a quirky shot of something out of the ordinary, but I don't get a sense of emptiness from the image.


It was taken at Grapevine Lake, just a normal ole' lake by my house that is a bit overflooded lately.


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
Compuwar: I like this one too, mainly because I'm imagining that it must be clear out in the middle of nowhere, away from the trail, away from civilization, and I'm imagining that this place doesn't see a lot of foot traffic. Again though, I feel a little boxed in (maybe I've been cooped up in my office for too long today?) I need to get out.

Actually, it's in the Suburban Washington D.C. area, about six miles from the Capitol Beltway- you can hear the traffic and sirens from US 1 most of the time. That's the main trail, and on summer weekends the place tended to be packed, on weekdays in the fall- when this was shot- there could be less than half a dozen people in the park.


deep diver

macrumors 68030
Jan 17, 2008
Thanks for your comment, I worry that people might take my criticism a little too personally. I really am serious when I say that there is not a bad photo in the bunch this week. I try and just sit back and notice which ones really grab me. All the photos were well executed, and all had strengths. I wish I had more time to comment more in depth on each of them but it's midterms at University this week :mad:


Excellent job judging. I think you chose very well. I've judged 2 or 3 times, so I know it is not easy. When we enter we ask for our worked to be judged. The judge and the feedback need to be respected.

Congrats to the winners.

deep diver

macrumors 68030
Jan 17, 2008
I've never actually seen this type of thread before. Is this a regular thing? I live most of the pictures, but I would have to disagree with the rankings of these pictures. OP, may I recommend adding a poll to these types of threads.

We also have the biweekly challenge where mass/group feedback is more encouraged.

The current Fortnightly Challenge wraps up in a couple of days but can be found at The poll for the new topic should be posted soon.


macrumors 68020
Nov 30, 2004
Well done mtbdudex! When I saw your photo so early on in the contest I thought Wow, follow that!


macrumors 68030
Aug 28, 2007
SE Michigan
Thanks everyone, I'm humbled to have "won", I've learned so much about Photography since getting my DSLR and hanging out here.
There are always so many great shots in these contests.

Quick background on that shot.
Every Sunday morning 9am I drop off the kids to Sunday school, my wife is the Christian Ed director @ our church. I then get 90 minutes of "dad alone" time before I come back for the 10:30 service, so use that for misc shopping, whatever, or.....taking pictures!

This Sunday morning thick pea soup fog, so I put the camera backpack into the car, hoping to take some shots. On the way to town there is a bridge that crosses over a highway, I took quite a few of that trying to get its surreal vanishing captured, sorta worked but not satisfied. Then I went to Woodland Lake (Brighton, Mich) and the stillness and emptiness of that lake captivated me. I got down low near the water and took various shots of the home/tree. It was late in the season, Nov 22, 2009, so I knew most boats were winterized. It also was 10:15am, so I was getting ready to leave back to church. Then, this guy pulled up with his Kayak and fishing gear to put into the lake. I was hoping for some opportunities to get him. I took shots as he put in and went further away, then he was gone also into the emptiness.
This shot has minimal PP, I might re-visit it.
fwiw here is the color version and one other from the series, clickable.

Thx again, by 9pm EDT tonight I'll have the next weekly photo contest ready and up (March 17 - 24). I've scanned the prior contests and have a few ideas for this one, gives me something to ponder about as I drive to work.
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