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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 15, 2015
I've tried searching online to see if I can find anyone having a similar issue as me with conference calls but I haven’t seen anything so far:

I noticed a weird issue this morning trying to merge two calls. My friend is traveling outside of the country and needed to call the airline to make a flight change. I tried calling my friend first and then the airline and also the airline first and then my friend. Two weird things happened when I tried to merge the two calls....First, as soon as I hit merge calls, my friend was disconnected from the call and second, once I merged the calls, I was not able to press any of the menu options when prompted by the airline. For instance, I tried to press 3 several times to change a flight and nothing happened. The touch wasn’t recognized. I tried to be smart and called the airline first and pressed the change option number and then called my friend to merge her into the call, but once again when I tried to merge the calls, she was disconnected. I tried to recreate the same issue calling a different number where I would have to press options and calling my home phone and experienced the same issue once the calls were merged. Once I connected the two calls, my house phone would be disconnected and any options I pressed once the calls were merged, did not register. The same happened when I called the number first and pressed the option and then tried calling my home number and merged the calls. As soon as I hit merge, my home phone was dropped from the call. Has anyone else experienced this?
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