Wife got a new iPhone 11 after upgrading her 6s. The whole transaction went smooth enough until the in-store restore from iCloud happened.
That went well enough until one interesting item popped up during the restore:
"Please enter the iTunes Password for "itunes520.blogspot.com".
WTF? We have no such account.
There's no webpage for that site on blogspot, but there is for "itunesmusic520" at the same domain. For the curious, it's a Hong-Kong based AAC pirate website, which may or may not be related to the above prompt.
It was repeatedly prompting for a password for this account while the rest of the apps were updating. So we left the Apple Store and let the phone finish downloading apps when we arrived home. At home, no such prompts appeared. This was all on a factory fresh phone, just powered up, on the Apple Store's WiFi network, and no apps running on it (as it just rebooted from an iCloud restore and was beginning to download all the apps).
Anyone see anything like this?
That went well enough until one interesting item popped up during the restore:
"Please enter the iTunes Password for "itunes520.blogspot.com".
WTF? We have no such account.
There's no webpage for that site on blogspot, but there is for "itunesmusic520" at the same domain. For the curious, it's a Hong-Kong based AAC pirate website, which may or may not be related to the above prompt.
It was repeatedly prompting for a password for this account while the rest of the apps were updating. So we left the Apple Store and let the phone finish downloading apps when we arrived home. At home, no such prompts appeared. This was all on a factory fresh phone, just powered up, on the Apple Store's WiFi network, and no apps running on it (as it just rebooted from an iCloud restore and was beginning to download all the apps).
Anyone see anything like this?