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macrumors 601
Original poster
Sep 16, 2006
Down south
Sold my 2nd gen iPP (512 gb) and got a 6th gen ipad 32 gb. Talk about downsizing!! ;-p

I had pretty much decided to go to a 10.5 iPP because my 12.9 pretty much never leaves the table/desk, but I really didn’t wanna buy with new pads potentially on the horizon.

With a long trip coming, and needing something light and portable, I decided to go for the new iPad as a transition device. Honestly, coming from the 12.9, this almost feels like a mini, and I love it!

Now, I’ll probably cry when I pack that 12.9 beauty up to ship, but I think having a smaller device until new iPads release will give me an idea of if I really wanna go smaller for the long term.

Honestly, if it weren’t for how much I know I’m gonna miss my ASK, I might be pretty content with this for a while - great little pad for the money.
I’m sorta in the same boat. I have both a 10.5 and I recently purchased a 12.9 as I thought I really wanted the bigger screen. The 12.9 is fantastic, but yeah it’s big and doesn’t feel quite so easy to pick up and move from one place to another, even in my house. Today is my last day of my 2 week return period. I picked up my 10.5 tonight and it felt really good in the hand. I’m typing on it now and don’t really miss the enormous screen (at least at the moment). What to do??? Return the 12.9 or keep it and sell the 10.5?!? Argh!
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Well in your situation, I’d most likely return the 12.9 and give myself a bit more time to wait on the new ones - they may come out with that perfect in-between that will be just what you’re looking for, and in the meantime you know you’ve got a pad you enjoy using.

Honestly, I know I’ll miss the screen, but I think I’ll USE my iPad more overall having something smaller. I realize the 12.9 pro isn’t really THAT big or heavy in the scheme of things, but I was never a laptop owner so the biggest thing I’ve ever carried with me was an iPad, and this one just isn’t as easy to take places. A smaller one can easily go in my purse.

I think what I’ll truly miss the most is the ASK. That is likely going to be the determining factor in how long I can survive with this regular iPad. I think having the pencil support will be a bonus because I do use my pencil a good bit, but the ASK is hands down my favorite keyboard ever.
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Well in your situation, I’d most likely return the 12.9 and give myself a bit more time to wait on the new ones - they may come out with that perfect in-between that will be just what you’re looking for, and in the meantime you know you’ve got a pad you enjoy using.

Honestly, I know I’ll miss the screen, but I think I’ll USE my iPad more overall having something smaller. I realize the 12.9 pro isn’t really THAT big or heavy in the scheme of things, but I was never a laptop owner so the biggest thing I’ve ever carried with me was an iPad, and this one just isn’t as easy to take places. A smaller one can easily go in my purse.

I think what I’ll truly miss the most is the ASK. That is likely going to be the determining factor in how long I can survive with this regular iPad. I think having the pencil support will be a bonus because I do use my pencil a good bit, but the ASK is hands down my favorite keyboard ever.
Yep, that purse factor is important to me, too. I currently have an iPP 9.7 (2016) and iPP 12.9 (2017) but if I can only keep one, I'd choose the 9.7. I have the LTE model which I always have with me. Really convenient and I find it much nicer for web browsing, checking email, etc than any iPhone including the Plus models.

Prior to the iPad Air, I was planning on getting a mini for carrying around. Happily, the reduction in bezel size and thickness from iPad 2/3/4 to Air was enough for it to fit in all my purses (granted barely any wiggle room in some).
I have the LTE model also. Our only internet access is through AT&T unlimited data due to where we live, so I have LTE on all my devices all the time.

I absolutely LOVE my 12.9, but I feel like I wind up doing so much more on my phone because I don’t want to move the 12.9 or use it in my lap, and I just think it’ll be nice to have something I grab more.

I use my iPP for all my work stuff too (I’m a Disney travel agent), so I DO type a good bit. That’s why I know I’ll miss this ASK, but I’ll get a new one soon enough. In the meantime, I’m going with a bluetooth keyboard and a stand to set the pad on, so when I need to type, I’ll have a good setup, but when I wanna go, I can just pick up the pad and go.
I have the LTE model also. Our only internet access is through AT&T unlimited data due to where we live, so I have LTE on all my devices all the time.

I absolutely LOVE my 12.9, but I feel like I wind up doing so much more on my phone because I don’t want to move the 12.9 or use it in my lap, and I just think it’ll be nice to have something I grab more.

I use my iPP for all my work stuff too (I’m a Disney travel agent), so I DO type a good bit. That’s why I know I’ll miss this ASK, but I’ll get a new one soon enough. In the meantime, I’m going with a bluetooth keyboard and a stand to set the pad on, so when I need to type, I’ll have a good setup, but when I wanna go, I can just pick up the pad and go.
This is what I use on my desk. I have it linked to my PC, iPP 9.7 and iPP 12.9.

I've had a 9.7" IPP for a couple years and have lately been pining for an upgrade to the 12.9. Not sure if I should, and I'll certainly wait for the next hardware update before deciding. In my case, my iPhone X is serving more and more as my consumption device. I'm pulling out the iPad primarily at home, for watching TV shows, reading and editing PDFs for work with the Pencil, and heavier tasks in the web browser. It seems like the 12.9 would be great for those things. Certainly for editing work PDFs, it's a nicer size.

I think it just really depends on your use case.
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I may be in the minority here but I can't stand anything smaller than 12.9 now that I have used it. I came from a 9.7 Air 2 and everything seems so eye straining on it now. Apple should make a 14 inch bezelless iPad Pro.
I may be in the minority here but I can't stand anything smaller than 12.9 now that I have used it. I came from a 9.7 Air 2 and everything seems so eye straining on it now. Apple should make a 14 inch bezelless iPad Pro.
You're not in the minority, but in one of two different camps. Having using and toted the 12.9 Pro for 2+ years, I have found that mobility has taken a hit with a device that large. It's fine for TRANSPORTING (going from "A" to "B"), but USING it in mobile situations, not so much.
I guess this is a decision everyone has to make for themselves. I had a first gen 12.9 and last year I traded down to the new 10.5. Yes, on occasion I do miss the larger screen. But every time I pick up the iPad to take somewhere or to use on the sofa, I love the smaller size. Only when I’m at my desk do I sometimes miss the larger size. Overall I’m happy with the smaller size.
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My "classic" iPad has been my travel computing device for many years now. The Macbook Pro pretty much sits at home these days tethered to the monitor. And have not had issue with the smaller screen size, since I use the iPad every day (used to it).

With airline seats getting smaller, closer together, and the smaller tray tables, the "classic" model makes for easier use in that environment.

As for keyboards, I bought the Apple small Bluetooth keyboard back when I got my first iPad. It's small, thin, light. Fits into a pouch I have in a very small travel sleeve/bag that is just big enough to hold the iPad, keyboard, and a few odds and ends (eg. SD card reader, pens). For short trips, I tend to leave the full rig at home as probably do not need to do power typing, and can type well on the on-screen keyboard.
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I just initiated the return on my 12.9. I’m using the 10.5 now and it’s such a toss-up. The easier-to-read screen of the 12.9 vs. the compactness of the 10.5. I have a feeling the next gen tweener is going to be my perfect device. Throw in a lighted keyboard and all my current devices will end up on eBay!
If i was selling my 12.9 i would just get the new 9.7 32GB 4G, i don't think the 10.5 is worth the money now.
I may get one anyway.
If i was selling my 12.9 i would just get the new 9.7 32GB 4G, i don't think the 10.5 is worth the money now.
I may get one anyway.

Honestly, if I can get a keyboard setup I really like, this might last me a while. One of my big draws for the pro is that keyboard. I absolutely love typing on it. And I tried the one for the 10.5 and think it would work well for me. I’m just gonna wait and see what the next offerings look like and go from there.
Honestly, if I can get a keyboard setup I really like, this might last me a while. One of my big draws for the pro is that keyboard. I absolutely love typing on it. And I tried the one for the 10.5 and think it would work well for me. I’m just gonna wait and see what the next offerings look like and go from there.

I dont use keyboards, my problem is the $$'s lost in selling the 12.9.
I dont use keyboards, my problem is the $$'s lost in selling the 12.9.

Yeah it hurts a bit. I had mine through ATT because all my devices have to be LTE (we only have data for internet because of where we live). I actually did okay as far as getting enough to pay the device off and still put a little in my pocket to recoup a few of those NEXT payments. I mean overall I know I lost money, but it didn’t feel as painful as it could have.
Yeah it hurts a bit. I had mine through ATT because all my devices have to be LTE (we only have data for internet because of where we live). I actually did okay as far as getting enough to pay the device off and still put a little in my pocket to recoup a few of those NEXT payments. I mean overall I know I lost money, but it didn’t feel as painful as it could have.

I’m curious, how much were you able to sell the 512GB 12.9 for?
I've had a 9.7" IPP for a couple years and have lately been pining for an upgrade to the 12.9. Not sure if I should, and I'll certainly wait for the next hardware update before deciding. In my case, my iPhone X is serving more and more as my consumption device. I'm pulling out the iPad primarily at home, for watching TV shows, reading and editing PDFs for work with the Pencil, and heavier tasks in the web browser. It seems like the 12.9 would be great for those things. Certainly for editing work PDFs, it's a nicer size.

I think it just really depends on your use case.

I guess this is a decision everyone has to make for themselves. I had a first gen 12.9 and last year I traded down to the new 10.5. Yes, on occasion I do miss the larger screen. But every time I pick up the iPad to take somewhere or to use on the sofa, I love the smaller size. Only when I’m at my desk do I sometimes miss the larger size. Overall I’m happy with the smaller size.

That’s the thing, those two functions—productivity and portability—will always be at odds since one is better the bigger the device is and the other is better the smaller the device is. I realized a single iPad will never be able to do both exceptionally well for me—it can only compromise on both ends—so I got a 12.9 (work and drawing) and a mini (reading) and it’s been very ideal for me. But it’s only worth getting dedicated devices if the tasks are important enough or done often enough and cost isn’t too much of a strain. I got my iPad mini cheap.
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I’m curious, how much were you able to sell the 512GB 12.9 for?

I sold it for just under $800 on here, actually to the same person who had purchased my 1st gen 12.9. I had priced the refurbished ones at Apple and then gotten a price from Mac Me an Offer just to see what the lower end was. I was certainly closer to that end, but I was okay with it. I owed a good bit less than that on it.

I will say it was in mint condition; like brand new. It had been in a case and with a screen protector from the minute I got it out of the box. It was tough to let it go, but I have already enjoyed the portability of having a smaller pad again.
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