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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 19, 2016
Afternoon everyone! Not sure what you'll get out of my story besides entertainment value, but here it is...

Im at school (college) and realize I forgot my headphones at my house. So after my first class I have a 3 hour break, so I decide to run home and get them and run a few errands while I'm out. So I do all that needs to be done and I arrive back at school and realize the jack end of my headphones were stuck in the car door!! It was dangling free on the outside of the car :mad: AND my adapter for my iPhone 7+ is GONE! So now I have a pair of headphones that are useless until I get a new adapter. Needless to say, I am furious my own stupidity.
Don't be TOO hard on yourself.

If I related all the stupid crap I've done over my 46 years you'd probably wonder how it is I am still alive.

True. I guess I know for next time to CHECK the door and make sure everything is inside lol
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At least you didn't have a arm or leg dangling outside the car door that you ended up losing. ;)

Your experience is so frustrating, it probably made you laugh (after the fact).

I don't think you were stupid. You made a mistake is all.
Don't be TOO hard on yourself.

If I related all the stupid crap I've done over my 46 years you'd probably wonder how it is I am still alive.
Now that you mention it, I think many of us on the forum have been curious about that. :eek:
At least you didn't have a arm or leg dangling outside the car door that you ended up losing. ;)

Your experience is so frustrating, it probably made you laugh (after the fact).

I don't think you were stupid. You made a mistake is all.

That first line brought a smile to my face, thank you :) But yeah it is kinda funny now. The really funny part is that this morning has been one thing after the other! First the headphones, then I left my phone in the car too I had to run back and grab it. Hopefully things will be better here on out! Im gonna check my college's book store for an adapter becuase they sell electronics, so its worth a shot
If it makes you feel any better, I got an email today to say the fobs at the car park I use will be changed on the 14th of March.

After arriving back from work and having first-hand confirmation that my fob no longer works, as today happens to be the 14th, I shook the bars like a baboon until some kind soul thankfully let me in (and out). Apparently their fob was posted days in advance.

So looks like alternative travel arrangements for the next few days. Perhaps I should get an alternative landlord too. :)
I'll give you a headphone story for entertainment. My unit and I were in Ft. Dix where we were mobilizing for our tour in Iraq. After a long day of training and prepping for our deployment, we head back to our barracks for some downtime. Everyone is in their bunks, on laptops or phones doing their own thing. We then hear the unmistakable sound of hardcore sex blaring through our bunk room and down the halls. After several of us get up to investigate, we find our staff sergeant over in the corner of the room, laying on his bunk with a laptop and headphones on. Unfortunately he failed to realize that the headphone jack was not fully inserted, so in addition to him hearing sound through his head phones, he treated the entire platoon to 15 minutes of hardcore sex sounds from the porno he was enjoying.
That first line brought a smile to my face, thank you :) But yeah it is kinda funny now. The really funny part is that this morning has been one thing after the other! First the headphones, then I left my phone in the car too I had to run back and grab it. Hopefully things will be better here on out! Im gonna check my college's book store for an adapter becuase they sell electronics, so its worth a shot
You haven't been praying for patience have you? lol What you described here is a real good way to help you attain it.

Who knows...maybe there will be a cute, single gal at the college store. ;) Strike up a convo, get a number and later on a date. Life is good. Sometimes it is amazing how things end up working out. :)
I once drove from Cherry Valley, California to Ontario, California in 20 minutes. That's down Interstate 10. I was five minutes late to work.

At 70mph and leaving on time that same trip is 45 minutes. I will let everyone else do the math.
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If it makes you feel any better, I got an email today to say the fobs at the car park I use will be changed on the 14th of March.

After arriving back from work and having first-hand confirmation that my fob no longer works, as today happens to be the 14th, I shook the bars like a baboon until some kind soul thankfully let me in (and out). Apparently their fob was posted days in advance.

So looks like alternative travel arrangements for the next few days. Perhaps I should get an alternative landlord too. :)

Oh man im so sorry that happened! Hopefully all works out with your travel arrangements and new fob :)
You haven't been praying for patience have you? lol What you described here is a real good way to help you attain it.

Who knows...maybe there will be a cute, single gal at the college store. ;) Strike up a convo, get a number and later on a date. Life is good. Sometimes it is amazing how things end up working out. :)

True! But knowing my luck I'll get her number....and forget the adapter :D
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Oh man im so sorry that happened! Hopefully all works out with your travel arrangements and new fob :)

Thanks little man! It should be all fine. Had some bad car-related luck recently it seems; the heat shield on the bottom came loose during last weekend's motorway journey to Oxford, so at the moment that's held together with string I got at one of the service stations.

Then I got into the University to pick up my sister and parked at the wrong place. Reversed into an expensive looking shrub and got shouted at by who I assume was the gardener.

Oh man, at least it gave my colleagues a laugh! But yeah it's all good. And don't worry, you'll just need a new adapter which shouldn't be too expensive. :)
I'll give you a headphone story for entertainment. My unit and I were in Ft. Dix where we were mobilizing for our tour in Iraq. After a long day of training and prepping for our deployment, we head back to our barracks for some downtime. Everyone is in their bunks, on laptops or phones doing their own thing. We then hear the unmistakable sound of hardcore sex blaring through our bunk room and down the halls. After several of us get up to investigate, we find our staff sergeant over in the corner of the room, laying on his bunk with a laptop and headphones on. Unfortunately he failed to realize that the headphone jack was not fully inserted, so in addition to him hearing sound through his head phones, he treated the entire platoon to 15 minutes of hardcore sex sounds from the porno he was enjoying.

OMG :D:D That is literally my worse nightmare (Not watching hardcore porn in public, but everyone hearing my music or something)
Thanks little man! It should be all fine. Had some bad car-related luck recently it seems; the heat shield on the bottom came loose during last weekend's motorway journey to Oxford, so at the moment that's held together with string I got at one of the service stations.

Then I got into the University to pick up my sister and parked at the wrong place. Reversed into an expensive looking shrub and got shouted at by who I assume was the gardener.

Oh man, at least it gave my colleagues a laugh! But yeah it's all good. And don't worry, you'll just need a new adapter which shouldn't be too expensive. :)
Currently my vehicle has ONE working inside door handle and that's on the driver's side and only two working outside door handles.

The second working inside door handle snapped off yesterday when trying to open the door from the inside.

Wouldn't be a big deal, but my car has power windows with all the windows stuck in the up position. If that last inside door handle breaks there won't be any way to get out of the car!

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Afternoon everyone! Not sure what you'll get out of my story besides entertainment value, but here it is...

Im at school (college) and realize I forgot my headphones at my house. So after my first class I have a 3 hour break, so I decide to run home and get them and run a few errands while I'm out. So I do all that needs to be done and I arrive back at school and realize the jack end of my headphones were stuck in the car door!! It was dangling free on the outside of the car :mad: AND my adapter for my iPhone 7+ is GONE! So now I have a pair of headphones that are useless until I get a new adapter. Needless to say, I am furious my own stupidity.

It happens. We all make mistakes. I laugh at my own mistakes most times. Look at the bright side of things.
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Currently my vehicle has ONE working inside door handle and that's on the driver's side and only two working outside door handles.

The second working inside door handle snapped off yesterday when trying to open the door from the inside.

Wouldn't be a big deal, but my car has power windows with all the windows stuck in the up position. If that last inside door handle breaks there won't be anyway to get out of the car!


You always help to cheer people up! Thanks bud. :D
Thanks little man! It should be all fine. Had some bad car-related luck recently it seems; the heat shield on the bottom came loose during last weekend's motorway journey to Oxford, so at the moment that's held together with string I got at one of the service stations.

Then I got into the University to pick up my sister and parked at the wrong place. Reversed into an expensive looking shrub and got shouted at by who I assume was the gardener.

Oh man, at least it gave my colleagues a laugh! But yeah it's all good. And don't worry, you'll just need a new adapter which shouldn't be too expensive. :)

I guess I need to realize that these silly mistakes happen to everyone. I do seem to forget that quite a bit. I am going out with a few buddies tonight, so at least now ill have a good story! :D
Afternoon everyone! Not sure what you'll get out of my story besides entertainment value, but here it is...

Im at school (college) and realize I forgot my headphones at my house. So after my first class I have a 3 hour break, so I decide to run home and get them and run a few errands while I'm out. So I do all that needs to be done and I arrive back at school and realize the jack end of my headphones were stuck in the car door!! It was dangling free on the outside of the car :mad: AND my adapter for my iPhone 7+ is GONE! So now I have a pair of headphones that are useless until I get a new adapter. Needless to say, I am furious my own stupidity.

I can´t count how many times i´ve lost this FREAKIN adapter! I blame Apple! You should to! Stick it to the people!
I can´t count how many times i´ve lost this FREAKIN adapter! I blame Apple! You should to! Stick it to the people!

Some of my frustration was at apple because I have a pair of working headphones (thankfully they still work) that are useless with an iPhone 7 :mad: but I cant be too angry, apple didn't close the door on them :(
[doublepost=1489520098][/doublepost]UPDATE: book store did not have the adapter :( looks like I'll just take a early trip to Best Buy and grab one before class on Thursday
Afternoon everyone! Not sure what you'll get out of my story besides entertainment value, but here it is...

Im at school (college) and realize I forgot my headphones at my house. So after my first class I have a 3 hour break, so I decide to run home and get them and run a few errands while I'm out. So I do all that needs to be done and I arrive back at school and realize the jack end of my headphones were stuck in the car door!! It was dangling free on the outside of the car :mad: AND my adapter for my iPhone 7+ is GONE! So now I have a pair of headphones that are useless until I get a new adapter. Needless to say, I am furious my own stupidity.
Too much technology just to hear never used to be this complicated.
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Currently my vehicle has ONE working inside door handle and that's on the driver's side and only two working outside door handles.

The second working inside door handle snapped off yesterday when trying to open the door from the inside.

Wouldn't be a big deal, but my car has power windows with all the windows stuck in the up position. If that last inside door handle breaks there won't be any way to get out of the car!

In case of desired exit......break glass.
Too much technology just to hear never used to be this complicated.
You could just humm to yourself
UPDATE: getting the adaptor tomorrow. Today I'm stuck with the lightning EarPods. Not great sounding and feeling, but its something :) I am the type of person that cannot live without music. I am a musician myself, so its just apart of who I am
[doublepost=1489683555][/doublepost]Just made a realization.... with the lightning EarPods, I cant use them with my MacBook Pro. FML. Now I can see why people are mad at apple for removing the headphone jack. Didn't bother me at first, but now I see where people are coming from
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