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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Feb 9, 2016
I saw the Apple Event today and it was boring to the point of me getting disgusted with Apple. Maybe the best part was availability of live DTH like channels in the new Apple TV app and coming to macOS.

Everyone was forced to say “We are really excited to announe this/that”. But clearly everyone was faking their enthusiasm. Apple staff placed at strategic location in the theatre was giving the applause like Dolby Atmos effect. Maybe few were clapping from ceiling as well.

Rest was just boring. Where is macPro?
I saw the Apple Event today and it was boring to the point of me getting disgusted with Apple. Maybe the best part was availability of live DTH like channels in the new Apple TV app and coming to macOS.

Everyone was forced to say “We are really excited to announe this/that”. But clearly everyone was faking their enthusiasm. Apple staff placed at strategic location in the theatre was giving the applause to give Dolby Atmos effect.

Rest was just boring. Where is macPro?

Yep. All of the hype and hints having to do with services and TV, I cannot imagine why Apple did not release any hardware today. *sigh* When will it end?
I saw the Apple Event today and it was boring to the point of me getting disgusted with Apple. Maybe the best part was availability of live DTH like channels in the new Apple TV app and coming to macOS.

Everyone who came on stage was forced to say “We are really excited to announe this/that”. But clearly everyone was faking their enthusiasm. Apple staff placed at strategic location in the theatre was giving the applause to give Dolby Atmos effect.

Rest was just boring. Where is macPro?
You were disgusted??? Maybe you need to have a word with yourself. Honestly.

It was an event to launch their new subscription service(s). It was never about hardware.
I have to agree that it was quite boring. The most interesting thing to me is the Apple Card. Wouldn’t have been a bad idea to add a couple small upgrades to the iPhone SE with a starting price of $359. It isn’t much but that would definitely help boost sales.

I expected this to be boring anyway. I am completely happy with my iPad Pro 10.5, iPhone X and iPhone SE. It will be difficult for them to sway me into upgrading from any of my devices.
I can only speak for myself. But when’s I heard Apple credit card - I am hearing echoes from the past - like when Sears diverged it’s attention into financials - starting a credit card, insurance company and a broker; how GE focused on random things like mortgages and CDO’s...
I saw the Apple Event today and it was boring to the point of me getting disgusted with Apple. Maybe the best part was availability of live DTH like channels in the new Apple TV app and coming to macOS.

Everyone was forced to say “We are really excited to announe this/that”. But clearly everyone was faking their enthusiasm. Apple staff placed at strategic location in the theatre was giving the applause like Dolby Atmos effect. Maybe few were clapping from ceiling as well.

Rest was just boring. Where is macPro?
Sounds like at least a good part of it is probably related to it being simply about things that you (and various others) weren't really interested in.
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Timmy seems to have completely run out of ideas at this point. iPhone is starting to sputter and he has nothing innovative to replace it.

Not that I disagree. That said, even though I have no use for any of the "products" announced today, I believe those services will generate quite some revenue, probably more than the Mac division, pretty soon. What might be even more reason for Apple to disregard the computer market in the (near) future.

I wonder why they even bother to sell computers any more, it seems nothing but an annoyance for Mr. Cook and his lieutenants
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It’s only boring if you were expecting new hardware. I knew what it was going to be about which is why I didn’t waste my time with it.

But of course people love to complain.
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Didn't watch. Simply not interested in what I gathered might be announced.

On the good side for Apple:

Last week's iPad Surprise did get my attention!
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Does it take more than 2 years to design a modular computer like mac Pro? They could have at least provided some update about their progress.
Does it take more than 2 years to design a modular computer like mac Pro? They could have at least provided some update about their progress.
Seems like that wouldn't have happened at an event like this.
Yes. How dare they not release the Mac Pro at an event that they made clear was solely for services and had nothing to do with hardware. How very dare they.
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It was really pointless event. Why announce services with the exception of Apple News+ that don't go live until "TBD" date?!
You mean exactly like they did with Apple Music? It's to create buzz. Apple knows what it is doing.
It was really pointless event. Why announce services with the exception of Apple News+ that don't go live until "TBD" date?!

Was pointless for anywhere other than the US as well

Even with news+ that Australia gets later this year I wonder how many magazines will sign on. I’m guessing less than 20... this compared to the 300 in the US
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