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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 2, 2014
Melbourne, Australia
So yeah I've got about 100 physical CD discs that I don't want to store on my bookshelf anymore so what am I supposed to do with them? I feel bad throwing them all in the bin because someone might want them, but it's illegal to sell them and keep them on iTunes so what am I supposed to do with them?


Nov 13, 2008
So yeah I've got about 100 physical CD discs that I don't want to store on my bookshelf anymore so what am I supposed to do with them? I feel bad throwing them all in the bin because someone might want them, but it's illegal to sell them and keep them on iTunes so what am I supposed to do with them?

Give them to a charity shop.


macrumors 68040
Mar 28, 2005
Other than the obvious suggestion of put them in a box and put the box somewhere out of the way, maybe consider one of those big CD/DVD zip-wallets that can store hundreds of discs in a much smaller space than the original cases take up.

You can then store the jewel cases and booklets elsewhere or throw either one or both of those out or whatever you want to do with them, but you'll still have the discs and remain nice and legal (and ethical more to the point), whilst also retaining a backup to your ripped AIFFs just in case you ever need them again.

Benjamin Frost

May 9, 2015
London, England
Whatever you want.

Not strictly true.

It would be bad for the original poster to try and slice someone's throat with one of his own CDs, for example.

To the original poster: you are not 'supposed' to do anything with them. I suggest that you either keep them as backups or sell them. I have some signed ones, so I like to keep mine.


macrumors 68030
Apr 13, 2011
Basements work well as storage space for redundant CD's.
The spiders and silverfish seem to enjoy having them around.
Lacking a basement, an attic, garage, or storage room will do.
When the DMCA police arrive to check the legality of your music collection, you will then have it plus perhaps a black widow honor guard with which to discourage over-inquisitive hands.
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macrumors 604
May 22, 2008
Milwaukee, WI
Basements work well as storage space for redundant CD's.
The spiders and silverfish seem to enjoy having them around.
Lacking a basement, an attic, garage, or storage room will do.
Depending on the climate you're in, and whether you ever plan to pop a CD into a drive later on, a totally unconditioned space might not be the best choice. The freeze-thaw cycle in my climate would likely warp them.


macrumors 6502
Aug 12, 2011
Support your local second-hand record store. You will be opening other's ears to the bands/music you love, and helping a small business owner make it in a corporate dominated world. (Just make sure your iTunes is backed up.)


macrumors 68020
Aug 15, 2010
So yeah I've got about 100 physical CD discs that I don't want to store on my bookshelf anymore so what am I supposed to do with them? I feel bad throwing them all in the bin because someone might want them, but it's illegal to sell them and keep them on iTunes so what am I supposed to do with them?

Your only legal options are keep or destroy. The best way to destroy them would be to build a giant focussing mirror to melt your neighbours' cars. Next best would be to recycle them. CDs and DVDs can be recycled. Its not always straightforward but there are places which do it.

Alternatively, sign up for a streaming service, delete your rips and sell/donate your CDs

Les Kern

macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2002
So yeah I've got about 100 physical CD discs that I don't want to store on my bookshelf anymore so what am I supposed to do with them?

I donated almost 800 CD's to the town library, and kept some for sentimental reasons. In case anyone is wondering, I have 5 daily backups and keep two in my safety deposit box.
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macrumors 68020
Aug 15, 2010
Trouble with destroying is that, unless you kept receipts, they are your only proof of purchase for that "backup" you have on your HD.

I don't think the OP is worried about being prosecuted, just wants to do the right thing. But if worried a photo or video of the destruction would probably be enough to establish reasonable doubt.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 6, 2010
Victoria, BC
So yeah I've got about 100 physical CD discs that I don't want to store on my bookshelf anymore so what am I supposed to do with them? I feel bad throwing them all in the bin because someone might want them, but it's illegal to sell them and keep them on iTunes so what am I supposed to do with them?
If you don't care for the jewel case or booklet, just buy one of these and store them in a dry cool place somewhere. Takes up very little room.

Also, if you sign up for iTunes Match and match all 100 CDs, provided you don't keep the AIFF lossless copy, you could now legally sell them, but at approx. $2/CD, it's hardly worth the effort.

Think long-term. In 20 years, CDs might find the same revival that vinyl currently enjoys and you could sell your out-of-print CDs then for more $$ if so inclined.


macrumors 68040
Apr 23, 2013
Think long-term. In 20 years, CDs might find the same revival that vinyl currently enjoys and you could sell your out-of-print CDs then for more $$ if so inclined.

VHS tapes anyone? In some countries you have to pay to have them taken away because they're expensive to recycle.

People always think their junk is worth money, the vast majority of the time it's worth squat.

If you know you have a rare signed album or some such, sure... keep it. But otherwise you'll end up trying to find space for stuff that is completely worthless and dragging it from house to house.
Last edited:


macrumors 601
So yeah I've got about 100 physical CD discs that I don't want to store on my bookshelf anymore so what am I supposed to do with them? I feel bad throwing them all in the bin because someone might want them, but it's illegal to sell them and keep them on iTunes so what am I supposed to do with them?
After removing the index leaflets, I've sold all the jewel cases to one buyer, while the CDs are on spindles in cardboard boxes in the basement for (just in case) back-up.


Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
There's always skeet shooting.

Nah... a Christmas tree is what OP needs. :D

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