maybe she's storing a bunch of pictures that she doesn't want everyone else looking at.For storage purposes, you gotta weight the money you are planing to put into upgrading this thing and whether that's better spent on a, either USB-based or WIFI-based, external HD.
An USB-HD can also be plugged in into an Airport Base Station, no screamer but good enough for photos, and be available to everybody.
Sharing is caringmaybe she's storing a bunch of pictures that she doesn't want everyone else looking at.
I have an older white MacBook (Core Duo, 60 GB HD, 1 GB memory) with a faulty battery. Gazelle and other places offer less than $30, so I thought about about upgrading its battery, HD, and memory and giving it to my wife who only has an iPad and needs somewhere to store her pictures (so she can decide which she wants to print out). So would it be a good idea to use this for pictures only? If so, should I bother upgrading its specs just to be safe?