It depends on what you mean with "computer language".
Both system use similar shells; the program you enter the commands in and which execute those.
There are different shells; depends on the linux you use they might can easy be interchanged.
But the problem is that many things you do in shell are different on Mac and Linux; that said: the syntax is same/similar; the semantic is very different.
Then there are higher languages like PHP or Perl or C; those are much more compatible between different worlds.
Do you have more specific details ?
Let me reword my question.
====REWORDED QUESTION================================
Which language do I use on (APPLE/UNIX)Terminal to command things?
I don't know much about this kind of thing, but I do know that, OS X and Linux are both variations on Unix.
Let me reword my question.
====REWORDED QUESTION================================
Which language do I use on (APPLE/UNIX)Terminal to command things?
Let me reword my question.
====REWORDED QUESTION================================
Which language do I use on (APPLE/UNIX)Terminal to command things?
The default terminal shell is bash, the same as majority of linuxes. I never met anyone referring to a shell as a programming language, so I would just assume you have no idea about Unix or Linux ��
Let me reword my question.
====REWORDED QUESTION================================
Which language do I use on (APPLE/UNIX)Terminal to command things?
Nice to meet you
A shell offers important characteristics of a programming language; define variables, modify those, make decisions; being able to describe an algorithm to solve a problem. Sure, it's an interpreter. But that are other languages too.
Why would you assume he's an expert? Why would an expert ask such a beginner's question? You're the one who sounds arrogant; it's people like you who put people off asking questions.Sure, bash is turing complete, so it more then qualifies as a programming language. Doesn't change the fact that people call it a shell. Anyway, that is besides the point, which is - question 'which computer language does mac terminal use' is an extremely weird one if the person asking is an expert (or at least a power user). And OP's being quite arrogant to people trying to help him does not make his case any stronger.
How to change it to Linux feature please help me ...The default terminal shell can be changed in the login profile. It's a standard Unix/Linux feature.
You can also start a different shell within the shell.
… forked version of FreeBSD.
It's not Linux. It's OS X.How to change it to Linux feature please help me ...
The default shell is already bash.How to change it to Linux feature please help me ...
No offense OP, but you sound VERY new to this stuff.
and thats just fine! But start very small.