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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Feb 23, 2016
I have a 2012 mini and an ATV4. What else do I need to sideload Kodi? Are any better alternatives?


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Feb 23, 2016
Thanks for the info !

One question though if you or someone else can provide a link on the USB-C cable i'll need. I went to Amazon and looked at those types of cables

And in the questions section someone said:
No, this one will not work with Apple TV. In fact it won't with none of existing Apple product. What you are looking for is probably thunderbolt to USB cable.


macrumors 604
Nov 5, 2009
Thanks for the info !

One question though if you or someone else can provide a link on the USB-C cable i'll need. I went to Amazon and looked at those types of cables

And in the questions section someone said:
No, this one will not work with Apple TV. In fact it won't with none of existing Apple product. What you are looking for is probably thunderbolt to USB cable.
that is incorrect, any usb c to usb will work, just make sure its a cable that is up to specs, the description will state if it is or not and check the google guy (Benson Lueung) that does reviews on the bottom to make sure they are really up to specs and choose whichever you need.

Che Castro

macrumors 603
May 21, 2009
remember Xcode free developer account has a 7 day limit and you have to reinstall the app every 7 days

You can bypass this by using the iPwnStore or pay the $100 to Apple
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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Feb 23, 2016
remember Xcode free developer account has a 7 day limit and you have to reinstall the app every 7 days

You can bypass this by using the iPwnStore or pay the $100 to Apple
So Kodi requires a reinstall every 7 days? I wasn't aware of that. I thought once it was installed on the ATV 4 it was there for good or unless you needed to update the App.

Thanks for the info !


macrumors 604
Nov 5, 2009
until Apple figures out what they are doing and drops a nuke :)
it would be pretty time consuming for apple to figure it out tbh. They are not loading apps to the appstore...
They buy a $99 dev certificate and they can put 100 persons on it. Meaning they are earning in the end prob $9-10 per person that uses their website.
If they take paypal then you can ask for a refund up to 6 months.
For me since my iphone is jb for now is something I'm not interested at the moment to get. I used kodi until my last 3 month cert expired and just left it there. I'm hoping for a new jailbreak for the atv so I maybe side load more stuff, but for ow I'm doing fine w just the vanilla atv4.

Scott Davilla

macrumors regular
Jan 5, 2016
Apple knows when a developer pulls a cert and pushes to a device. Same when a device profile is added. It's just a matter of time before such dev account abuse gets noticed.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 2, 2012
that is incorrect, any usb c to usb will work, just make sure its a cable that is up to specs, the description will state if it is or not and check the google guy (Benson Lueung) that does reviews on the bottom to make sure they are really up to specs and choose whichever you need.
Do you really need a physical cable or just by connecting your pc and your atv4 to Homesharing on itunes, they are both connected?


macrumors 604
Nov 5, 2009
Do you really need a physical cable or just by connecting your pc and your atv4 to Homesharing on itunes, they are both connected?
Yeap need a cable AND have to reinstall the app every 7 days. You won't lose the info inside but it's a hassle.


macrumors regular
Oct 31, 2014
Decided to pay the $100 developer fee for the hassle but at least I now have KODI on my ATV, iPad and iPhone.
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