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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 14, 2005
Hi folks,

I was just wondering what people think of the EE (UK) network these days? How is 4G working out for you? How's indoor coverage? Today's the last day of their £10/month off deal and I'm thinking of taking it.




macrumors 68000
Oct 14, 2008
Newbury, UK
Not much. I cancelled my 12 month contract early due to regular No Service problems at home. Signal was either four bars or none at all, so it was probably too many phones in the same cell. However, everyone's experience is likely to be different depending on exact locations, so it's not really an answerable question.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 4, 2008
Stuttgart, Germany
I'm with EE and have been for six months (iPhone 5 here).

I live in Nottingham, and the call quality, coverage and 4G is excellent.

Here's an example - this is sat in my office, approx six miles from the City centre:


If you're in a major population centre then they are very good - and currently have the fastest network in terms of raw speed.

Be aware that outside of major population centres the data network isn't that fast, but then, is any UK carriers!

Overall, I'm very happy with them.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 17, 2010
North Somerset
Mainly positive.

When I get 4g it seems very fast most of the time, quite surprised.

In all honesty it does not seem to be that much faster than three 3G in real life scenarios though. With the £10 pm off it might be more interesting.

I have had times when it has been off the scale fast and then times it has been low 3G performance ... Even though it said LTE and not 3G.

Problem I have with it is that what do you really need to download that quickly? A movie from iTunes? Well that will take most of the monthly allowance.

Hoping that as we see more LTE, the cost v data allowance will be better for consumers.


macrumors regular
Oct 11, 2012
Not much. I cancelled my 12 month contract early due to regular No Service problems at home. Signal was either four bars or none at all, so it was probably too many phones in the same cell. However, everyone's experience is likely to be different depending on exact locations, so it's not really an answerable question.

This ^^

I joined EE when iPhone 5 came out on a 12 month contract ... promptly got in a right spat with them over the service... phone would regularly go to No Service and stay there ... didn't do it on O2 or Vodafone (had all 3 at the time in the family i kept testing sims)

Finally managed to get them to early terminate my contract - given it was a Sim only contract they weren't really losing much.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 17, 2010
North Somerset
Can someone explain the perk of EE?

Errrm more UK 4G coverage than any other UK network... On paper.

The reality is it will depend on where you use it. For me Vodafone is 2g if lucky. O2 is non existent 3 is 3G and EE is 4G... But that is my house in my village... Most people will be different... I would have the same frustrations if I tried O2 or Vodafone.

In all honesty, apart from the awful EE app I have been happy with them. Only slight oddity is the the 4G EE network is often half the speed of the 3 3.5G network in real terms, unless I am in a double speed 4g urban area.

Bottom line you need to do your coverage checker homework to get an idea if it is likely to work for you.... Even then it will depend on the buildings you are in etc.
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