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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Mar 2, 2009
Waterloo & Georgian Bay, Canada
The start of a "what's in your bag" photo thread.

We've got laptops, phones, cameras, now iPads plus all the other daily work and non work essentials.

What's goes in your "Go Bag" and what kind of bag do you carry it in?

For me:
13" MBP
Canon SD790
1 file folder work papers
1 paper notebook
iPhone cable
WD 500gb hard drive

all fits well in a black Swiss Gear backpack.
(photo's to follow)
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Cell phone in my pocket and my fire pager on my hip. My iPod, Sidekick, wallet, and keys in my backpack.
Vaude Seoul (I have actually a darker color scheme but was not able to find a picture online)


in it are:

Keys (mine & work), pens, pad, padlock (for uni lockers), mbp 13.3, mdp2vga adapter, apple remote, small umbrella, a small case of nivea lotion, chewing gum, deodorant and a condom (just in case ;)).

wallet & cellphone in my pants.
For me:
13" MBP
Canon SD790
1 file folder work papers
1 paper notebook
iPhone cable
WD 500gb hard drive

all fits well in a black Swiss Gear backpack.
(photo's to follow)

you carry that everywhere you go?!

Wallet, Keys, iPhone...and sometimes headphones.
On the Go:
. iPhone 3GS - 16gb black + in-ear headphones
. Capsul case wallet

University, add to the list above:
. 13" Macbook Pro
. Portable computer powered hard drive

My bag:
. Not sure what to buy yet ... looking for a very thin sleeve with handles and pockets for the external drive and the magsafe for the mbp, any ideas ?
Um the usual is, my MB 6,1, mag safe,bluetooth mighty mouse,ethernet cable,ipod cable,FW 400 cable,USB 2 double ended male,USB 2 extension, VGA and DVI MDP connectors,iPod Shuffle 4G 2GB,ipod earbuds,ipod shuffle sync cable.All in my Swiss Tech backpack.And if I'm going to church,leadership binder,and Bible.(I work as a intern youth pastor)

In my pockets are,wallet,cell phone,knife,keys and gum.
I keep my Dell Mini 10v, Palm Pre Plus, spiral notebook/pen, house key, insurance/registration, and Fossil wallet in a small camelback like this:

I ride everywhere (sportbike), it's all I need to take.
We've had these threads before. I guess you all carry so much **** around that it couldn't fit in the other threads. :D

  • iPod Classic 120GB
  • Monster Turbine earbuds
  • Rotring 600 .5mm Pencil
  • Two or three law school books
  • notepad
  • MacBook Pro

All in this bag:
Usually just a few things:
-Money(No wallet)
-Blackberry(For phone)
-hTC touch pro 2(For music(on the go)+backup phone)
-iPod shuffle(for long trips)

And they are located in my pockets
Bold is always taken
In my chrome bag
-Hand sanitizer
-Mophi Juice Pack
-(sometimes) Laptop
-(sometimes) DSLR
-Gym clothes (most of the time)
-Cliff bar

On me
Everywhere at all times:

Wallet, cell phone, keys, chapstick.

6 days a week though I'm in class, so I carry:

4 textbooks
Notebook (Computer)
6 Spiral bound notebooks
TI-89 Titanium calculator
Extra batteries
Instant coffee
Library ID thingy
Probably more stuff that just isn't coming to mind.

I carry it all in a Speck Aftpack. Good bag.
Glock 23 with IWB Comptech holster.

Very comfortable.

Oh... and I'm in the "wallet, keys, cellphone" camp.
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