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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 8, 2013
Concepcion, Chile
Hi Folks:

Rumors are flowing on the upcoming iPhone 6. For this reason I would like to know what you guys expectations are on the new iDevice, Bigger? Same Size? Slimmer? new iOS? What would you like to be improved? I read some people saying that Jony Ive is running out of creativity- I still ask myself if people want something creative then what would be that thing? suggestions??

Lets the creativity never know if apple might read this and listen your ideas!


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 8, 2013
Concepcion, Chile
Chances are apple is pretty much done with the next iphone, and wouldnt be taking suggestions from us here. There is a roundup of the iphone 6 that can be found at the top of this website if you are interested in reading about it.


Thanks so much..still I would like to know what people want..before they complain on the new model.


macrumors 68020
Oct 21, 2013
Thanks so much..still I would like to know what people want..before they complain on the new model.

well i would like:
a slightly larger screen
32gb base model
battery life to go beyond a day
virtual home functionality without a jailbreak (no need to click home button)

many other things that could be wished for but simply will not happen.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2010
At least 5 inch display that expands horizontally and vertically instead of just going up .5 vertically. Less bezel would be nice as well. Needs to be at least 1080P.
iOS 8 needs to be more stable than iOS 7.
Improved cameras both front and back.
Faster processor.
More ram.
32GB as standard would be nice, but I doubt they'd give up that $100 profit margin.
Better battery life, push at least 12+ hours of usage.
TouchID to be much more improved over current 5s offering. I haven't updated to 7.1 that brought fixes to TouchID, but I do see people still run into issues occasionally still so it's still in need of work.


macrumors newbie
Mar 10, 2014
don't know what to expect but I think 5 screen is aleady big enough. maybe other big changes in visual?


macrumors newbie
Mar 17, 2014
Not too BIG, it is almost perfect now. Not bigger than 4.5. One handed use is the best use. I had the note 3 for 3 months and at the end of the day it's a phone, I dont need a tablet. Only good thing from being so big is better battery life. I could use the note 3 for a day and half and still be at 20%! Just faster and more tweaks on the OS. Maybe add ability to add files via usb? Nothing too drastic please!


macrumors 6502a
Jul 23, 2011
Not looking foward to iPhone 6 yet. I'm enjoying my gold 5s!!

My 5s almost perfect as it is. Slightly bigger screen without bezel but still great for one hand operation would be great.

Would like to be able to use color profiles and nightmode like settings without a jail break which would save apple tons of dough. How much money apple loses to replace 'yellow screens'?


macrumors 6502
Sep 10, 2013
Hi Folks:

Rumors are flowing on the upcoming iPhone 6. For this reason I would like to know what you guys expectations are on the new iDevice, Bigger? Same Size? Slimmer? new iOS? What would you like to be improved? I read some people saying that Jony Ive is running out of creativity- I still ask myself if people want something creative then what would be that thing? suggestions??

Lets the creativity never know if apple might read this and listen your ideas!

you do realize this is the 243rd thread on this subject (upon research)? Im just curious to know if you thought you were the first to ask this question??? :)
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