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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 16, 2008
When you’re sitting around the house, do you use your iPhone or iPad? I have the 12 Pro Max and just bought the iPad Air 4. First iPad in a while. Can’t seem to put the phone down to use the iPad more. Curious what others do.
people's preception of color , grey levels, room lighting and myopia are so different

I usally read at home and on and use my iPhone. Has a feel like the old school paper back book.
Ill binge the latest tv series and this works too. But I noitced looked better on a larger screen.
i always regarded owning an iPad as a nother mouth to feed.
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I prefer to use my iPad but I have iPhone 8. The screen is not big so not good for longer periods of reading. However even with iPhone Pro Max I would still use for reading my iPad and not the phone - otherwise my eye doctor would kill me. No seriously. Reading for more than 2-3 minutes on a phone is not a good experience for me. I am starting to feel eye strain.
iPad all the way.

I've tried web browsing on bigger iPhones but I always felt the experience sucked versus an iPad (not 100% desktop-like but close enough). Also, I just tend to prefer 3:4 to 2:3 aspect ratio for reading. Not a huge fan of the longer aspect ratios (albeit better for watching). The iPad's much better for comics and magazines, too.

My iPhone's use is pretty much just to act as camera and to forward calls and messages to my iPads. It just stays in my purse unused when I'm home.

That reminds, my phone's probably dead and I should charge it.
At home (as at work) I use my iPad Pro 12.9 2018 most of the time, iPhone XS only for whatsapp when I don’t want to start whatsapp web on iPad 😂 on the road I use more the iPhone because I did a little mistake choosing the iPad wifi model.
I browse and consume media on my ipad pro 12.9. My phone (Android) is just for communication and on the go type stuff. I’d much rather use a larger screen when possible.
I use the 11" iPad Pro at home. Larger screen, split-screen and better landscape support. Only time I use my phone is for tasks like WhatsApp and food delivery which aren't available on the iPad.
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iPad most of the time. iPhone is used for me when I’m very mobile around the house and when I lay down to relax, especially while laying on my side. Also, I prefer reading digitally, and reading books and News+ in dark mode on an OLED screen is awesome, especially at night in a dark room.

I really hope Apple’s implementation of mini-LED in the upcoming iPad Pros is as good or nearly as good as OLED. The contrast of my iPad Pro 10.5’s screen is my biggest complaint about the iPad.
I use my 11” Pro mainly for movies/tv shows, but it’s usually sitting in the Magic Keyboard. I use a good mix between my XS and Mini 5, it all depends what I’ll be using it for at the time, the Mini 5 is nice because if the bigger screen, but the XS is smaller, lighter, and I can use it with one hand. I have a tablet dashboard mount for the Mini 5, and that’s used for GPS, music.
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As my signature says, I have an iPhone 8 and an 11” iPad Pro. It is so much confortable to use the iPad rather than my small iPhone 8, that it is what I use when I’m on the couch or other places of my home. Even if I bought a MacBook Air (Apple silicon, M1), which I’m considering, I think I would still use my iPad to browse, read and reply messages on my home.

That being said, if I had a 6,7” iPhone 12 Pro Max (which is basically a phablet), I would probably use just that for everything, inside and outside my house, along with a mac for more serious tasks. But that’s not my case and never will, because I can’t use such a big phone with one hand and I prefer rather compact smartphones.
When you’re sitting around the house, do you use your iPhone or iPad? I have the 12 Pro Max and just bought the iPad Air 4. First iPad in a while. Can’t seem to put the phone down to use the iPad more. Curious what others do.
I’m pretty much the same.

I have an iPhone 11 Pro Max and 2020 iPad Pro 11”, and I still tend to use the phone more even at home. I am typing this on my iPad Pro simply because I told myself I need to use it more but within the next 10 mins I’ll probably load a Netflix show on it and be on my iPhone again,LOL.
I have an iPad Pro 2020. Unless I have the Smart Keyboard on it and intend to use it for a travel computer, it is usually thrown around somewhere upstairs, where I'll use it in place of a TV for watching movies, YouTube TV, or whatever.

Downstairs, it's the iPhone 12 Pro that's used most frequently. The iPhone is used far more often than the iPad.
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I use both iPhone and iPad at home. The iPad is often used in my office and then at times in the evening if I can get a longer reading session in.

iPhone during breaks, for quick reads and some other tasks.
Because I’m working at home now, I spend most of my time on my 2018 Mac Mini. When I’m off the office chair to take a break, I hop on my 2018 iPad Pro. It’s only when I’m moving about and receive a message that I’ll open up my iPhone. Typing on an iPhone is cumbersome to me nowadays. I’m much more of a typist on a keyboard.
My iPad gets WAY more use than my phone does. If I’m home, my phone only gets used if I get a random Snapchat. Otherwise I much prefer to use my iPad for web browsing, texting, gaming, media consumption, and everything else you can imagine. Outside of home and traveling, my phone obviously takes over because it’s easier to be mobile with (and the fact that my iPad is WiFi-only and is tethered to my phone if I need it).

I’m currently waiting on my new MacBook Air M1 to arrive. We shall see how my device priority changes once I get it up and running.
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I use my iPhone more often for things like scrolling Twitter, Reddit, checking email quickly. However, the iPad sits on my desk and I'm usually watching something on it throughout the day. I'd say it's a 50/50 split if you count watching movies and shows on the iPad as using it.
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When you’re sitting around the house, do you use your iPhone or iPad? I have the 12 Pro Max and just bought the iPad Air 4. First iPad in a while. Can’t seem to put the phone down to use the iPad more. Curious what others do.
It depends on what I have close to me. That's what I use, interchangeably. I'm on an SE 2020 and a mini 5.
If I’m just scrolling through social media, or texting, I’ll use my iPhone. I tend to grab my iPad when I know in gonna be reading blogs or forums, such as this one, or when I’m going to watch a longer YouTube video.
I prefer to use my iPad but I have iPhone 8. The screen is not big so not good for longer periods of reading. However even with iPhone Pro Max I would still use for reading my iPad and not the phone - otherwise my eye doctor would kill me. No seriously. Reading for more than 2-3 minutes on a phone is not a good experience for me. I am starting to feel eye strain.

Some statistics to complete the picture as I usually receive screen time reports on Monday for both the iPad and the iPhone.

  1. iPhone -> 36 % increase; on average 42 minutes a day
  2. iPad -> usual usage; on average 4 hours and 2 minutes a day
As you can see I use the iPad far more than the iPhone. Now not everything is reading as I use the iPad for my digital planner (with Notability), I use it for browsing, for some brainstorming sessions, for writing meeting minutes in OneNote while using the work laptop for the video call itself. Nevertheless I think that these statistics show pretty well which device I prefer to use.

Obviously things change when I travel as I use my iPhone as camera.
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When you’re sitting around the house, do you use your iPhone or iPad? I have the 12 Pro Max and just bought the iPad Air 4. First iPad in a while. Can’t seem to put the phone down to use the iPad more. Curious what others do.
You kinda got the wrong combo of devices. The 12 Pro Max is like a phablet so your going to use it like a phone/tablet hybrid hence why you struggle to find a reason to use your Air 4, but still it’s good to have the options.

Im at the opposite end, I like smaller phones so when at home use my IPad Air 4 for most tasks like like reading comics, watching streamed content and checking macrumours etc. Use my iPhone 12 mini more as a phone and to receive messages via WhatsApp/ iMessage when at home. The phone usually sits on the iPad (They look great together lol) on my coffee table in between usage.
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