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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 21, 2005
My Macbook Air's screen is past due for a cleaning. Is there a particular cleaning product you prefer for this task, or do you just use water and a cloth?
My Macbook Air's screen is past due for a cleaning. Is there a particular cleaning product you prefer for this task, or do you just use water and a cloth?

I use lens cleaner and a soft tissue or lens cleaning cloth. I like the lens cleaning fluid because it doesn't leave streaks or smudge spots.
It's usually advised to not use any chemicals of any sort of coated screen.

A slightly damp microfibre cloth to remove spots and smudges followed by a dry one will get your display looking like new again.
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At the end of the day, a slightly damp (with water) microfiber to remove any stuck dust / smudges, and then a fine microfiber (like the one that comes with the laptop/screen) to "polish" the screen or remove any faint streaks from the water, I think is the best long term solution.

1. It doesn't introduce any chemicals (regardless of if they are advertised to be ok for your monitor).
2. It doesn't involve a recurring cost (other than the initial towels), like refills of the spray / solution.

I have a glossy retina MBP, and this works like a charm each time.
1.) Isopropyl Alcohol

2.) Soft cotton washcloth

Just dampen the washcloth a tad and wipe left to right on the screen. It will remove everything and afterwards wipe it clean with a dry spot on the washcloth.
the apple store uses "CLENS" brand cleaning spray, by "Bausch + Lomb " it comes in a 16 oz bottle.

the upc # is 310119 080023

bausch + lomb on amazon sells this as a "system to clean apple products"
10% alcohol and 90% distilled spray bottle.

Use it on computer screens, iPhone, iPad, etc. using a Terricloth towel.
Works great and cleans any greasy finger prints without rubbing.
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