Or you pay off the loan balance as mentioned above and you can get a new phone under the AUP.If you sell you're out the program as you no longer have a phone to trade in. In order to get the 7 you'd just get it like everyone else that's not in the program.
Do you just pay the difference when the 7 comes out?
Right, but you're no longer in the program as you won't be trading in. It's semantics, but you'd be joining the program like everyone else who isn't in.Or you pay off the loan balance as mentioned above and you can get a new phone under the AUP.
Or you pay off the loan balance as mentioned above and you can get a new phone under the AUP.
OP. I would pay off the phone before you sell it, or immediately after you sell it with the funds you made by selling the device. That way the buyer doesn't have to worry about the phone not being paid off and it won't affect your credit if you don't pay off the device.
You mean to say that you're asking all this now, after the phone is gone?
way to go...
I talked to Apple and they said that if you don't have the phone you just pay what you owe which would be Half of the phone since you already made a year of payments
Buyer doesn't have to worry about the phone not being paid off, it's unlocked.
I still have my 6s idk why you assume it's gone.