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Chew Toy McCoy

macrumors regular
Original poster
May 13, 2016
For me it doesn’t have anything to do with thinking the OS or apps aren’t professional grade. For me it’s the fact that there is a big literal and potential difference between the 9.7 iPad and 12.9 iPad and it seems in a lot of discussions or articles people can’t be bothered to tell you which they are talking about or if that is even a factor, just “Pro”.

I’d even go as far as suggesting that this lack of name distinction has even made Apple apathetic about making any meaningful difference between the two. With so much news on “Pro” that could be talking about either or both, nobody is really calling them to task. A stellar review for the 9.7 could be seen as the same for 12.9 because the author didn’t even bother mentioning it.


macrumors 65816
Jun 16, 2014
Houston, Texas
I understand what you are saying and I tend to agree with you. I believe that releasing the 9.7 Pro really hindered development for the 12.9. There are a couple of things that truly make the 12.9 a much more "Pro" option. First is size. Being able to see more and actually use two apps side by side is great for productivity. Although you can have side by side on the 9.7, the view is very limited on half of a 9.7 inch display. The second advantage is the on screen keyboard. Not only is it larger, it has many other options which allow much faster typing. I believe that the 9.7 should have been called the Air 3. Other than the pencil and keyboard, it offers nothing remotely pro over the Air 2.


macrumors 601
Aug 28, 2012
Between the coasts
You'd see similar in many discussions about other products, from many manufacturers - failing to mention specific model/year, display size, etc., or using precise terminology. I could note that you didn't say what "9.7" and "12.9" refer to. Is it processor clock speed, storage capacity, display dimensions...? Their proper names are "9.7-inch iPad Pro" and "12.9-inch iPad Pro." You'll excuse me if I occasionally fail to use those full names in the remainder of this post; one hopes that there's enough context provided that readers can fill in the gaps.

If an author posts a review and does not specify whether the 12.9-inch or 9.7-inch iPad Pro is being reviewed... I'd look at the date of the review. If it predates the introduction of the 9.7-inch, then we can't blame them for failing to make a distinction. However, if the review came out after the introduction of the 9.7-inch and it makes no distinction... I'd distrust the review. If they can't attend to that fairly large detail, then to what else haven't they paid attention?

Sure, Apple may somehow benefit if a stellar review of the top-of-the-line, 13-inch late 2016 MacBook Pro fails to mention that the review applies to that specific MacBook Pro, just as Ford might benefit if someone didn't distinguish between the base and deluxe models of a Mustang.

Product category brand names (iPad Pro, Ford Mustang) are used because it's useful, for both the consumer and the manufacturer, to draw attention to similarities as well as differences. If the only differences between one car and another is trim elements, a better audio system, and a larger engine, do you call them both "Mustang," or do you start all over with a completely different model brand name?

It's why there are 11-inch and 13-inch MBAs (excuse me, MacBook Airs), 13" and 15" MacBook Pros, and 21.5" and 27" iMacs (my apologies for using the symbol for inches rather than writing out "-inch" each time). It's hardly the first time that Apple has had brand name categories that have multiple products within the category, and hardly the first time any manufacturer has done this.

Apple wants both the 12.9 and 9.7 to be considered interchangeably, otherwise, they wouldn't have named them both "iPad Pro." It's not apathy or laziness. As it says today on the iPad Pro product page, "iPad Pro Super. Computer. Now in two sizes." Not everyone who wants the performance and unique features of the iPad Pro (Pencil, Smart Keyboard) wants the size of a 12.9 Pro. If you go to the product comparison chart, you can see how the 9.7 differs from the 12.9. Which is what people often do, once they learn there is more than one model of a particular branded item.
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macrumors 604
Feb 4, 2004
Florida Resident
I find it will be confusing when the iPad Pros are updated later this year. Then having to deal with multiple sizes with some the same screen resolution but smaller physical size, prices, specs (2 GB newer Pro vs 4 GB older Pro), camera differences, display differences, probably a non-updated iPad Mini 4 with the same price. Apple will likely sell the the old models along with the new ones. Only someone knowledge about the products from watching the keynotes or Apple website will understand technical difference between last years iPad Pro and this years iPad Pro.


macrumors 601
Aug 28, 2012
Between the coasts
I understand what you are saying and I tend to agree with you. I believe that releasing the 9.7 Pro really hindered development for the 12.9. There are a couple of things that truly make the 12.9 a much more "Pro" option. First is size. Being able to see more and actually use two apps side by side is great for productivity. Although you can have side by side on the 9.7, the view is very limited on half of a 9.7 inch display. The second advantage is the on screen keyboard. Not only is it larger, it has many other options which allow much faster typing. I believe that the 9.7 should have been called the Air 3. Other than the pencil and keyboard, it offers nothing remotely pro over the Air 2.

Reading the original post from this frame of mind...

Yes, there are material differences to the experience of using the larger or smaller models, just as there are material differences between working on any two dissimilar display sizes. I don't know how this has hindered Apple's product development process, though - we're in the first generation of both the 9.7 and 12.9 models - we don't know what's coming next. If you mean "development of public perception/market share," I'm still not so sure. It depends on what Apple wants the public to perceive about the "Pro" name.

There's the perennial debate here about what "Pro" means, for any of Apple's products. Does it mean, "for professional media creatives," "targeted for the corporate market," or, "top-of-the-line performance?" Absent a clear definition from Apple, it means "Pro" is in the mind of the beholder, and what Apple has wanted us to perceive clearly shifts from one "Pro" line to the next. Personally? I don't care if the thing is called Pro or not. A rose by any other name, and all that. All I care about is the capabilities of the tool.

In any case, I agree, the 9.7-inch iPad Pro could just have easily been marketed as an iPad Air 3, with the primary distinctions between Air 2 and Air 3 being the processor and camera; a typical year-to-year evolutionary change. I guess they didn't want it to be considered a routine change.

Apple apparently does want to distinguish between models that can use Pencil and Smart Keyboard, and those that cannot - would an "Air 3" have come equipped with those capabilities? We have to wait for future product introductions to see whether Pencil and/or the Smart Keyboard are available for every new iPad.

However, I think the primary reason we have a 9.7" iPad Pro is the corporate market. If you aim to sell tens or hundreds of thousands of units to a single customer, it's more effective to say, "For what you plan to do, you need something from our Pro line, just choose the size that makes sense to you." There's a clear performance distinction between Airs and Pros, which there wouldn't be if an Air 3 had the latest processor. "If you want the large display, get a Pro, if you want the smaller display, get the Air 3. Don't get the Air 2 or Minis, their processors can't cut it."

I enjoy my 12.9" Pro - for some work, I'm definitely happy to have the added size. And I like the full-size dimensions of the Smart Keyboard (not the best-feeling keyboard I've used, but at least I can touch-type effectively). Still, it's a lot to carry around.

Considering what I can accomplish on an iPhone's far smaller display, that whopping big 12.9" display isn't always necessary to me. When I tried out the 9.7" I didn't think Split View or Slide-over were too small. Yet, if the 9.7" model had been available when I got my Pro, I think the Smart Keyboard dimensions would still have tipped the balance toward the 12.9".


Dec 14, 2013
I do think they should have named the 9.7" something else. I have that one and I try to specify when talking about it.

Chew Toy McCoy

macrumors regular
Original poster
May 13, 2016
The big difference between comparing different screen sizes on iPads or on laptop computers is on iPads you are completely slave to app devopler decisions. On laptops you can resize things and move windows around to taste. On an iPad if the developer doesn't take advantage of more screen real estate on a larger screen you are just SOL.


macrumors 6502
Sep 8, 2014
For me it doesn’t have anything to do with thinking the OS or apps aren’t professional grade. For me it’s the fact that there is a big literal and potential difference between the 9.7 iPad and 12.9 iPad and it seems in a lot of discussions or articles people can’t be bothered to tell you which they are talking about or if that is even a factor, just “Pro”.

I’d even go as far as suggesting that this lack of name distinction has even made Apple apathetic about making any meaningful difference between the two. With so much news on “Pro” that could be talking about either or both, nobody is really calling them to task. A stellar review for the 9.7 could be seen as the same for 12.9 because the author didn’t even bother mentioning it.

I agree with you here and i feel Apple will need to start differentiating between iOS platforms to get users to see the iPad's true potential. From what I have experienced over the years from people who are unsure of the iPad's ability, is they don't understand the potential, they see it as a large iPhone. If Apple was to give iOS on iPad, unique OS features or abilities that people really want to see for productivity etc, it will change the game. People will see that the iPad is designed for so much more!


macrumors 601
Nov 16, 2010
I understand what you are saying and I tend to agree with you. I believe that releasing the 9.7 Pro really hindered development for the 12.9. There are a couple of things that truly make the 12.9 a much more "Pro" option. First is size. Being able to see more and actually use two apps side by side is great for productivity. Although you can have side by side on the 9.7, the view is very limited on half of a 9.7 inch display. The second advantage is the on screen keyboard. Not only is it larger, it has many other options which allow much faster typing. I believe that the 9.7 should have been called the Air 3. Other than the pencil and keyboard, it offers nothing remotely pro over the Air 2.
I don't think the 9.7 hindered anything. Actually the other way around. The 12.9 didn't sell very well and people wanted the keyboard and pencil in the smaller form factor. So thats what they did. While they were at it they threw in the nicer speakers, 12MP Camera w/flash and true tone screen with DCPI-3 full gamut color, which should be on every apple device IMO. So really in some ways (like the screen and camera) The 9.7 is nicer and more "PRO" than the 12.9 and definitely more so than the Air 2's lesser screen quality, speakers, cameras.
Essentially that's what is. An iPad Air 3 with the exception of the speakers, Pencil Suopport and Tru-Tone. The 9.7 Pro is only 19% faster than Air 2 as well.
And Cameras with flash which are better than the 12.9 and Air 2. And the smart keyboard.....

By that logic we could say the iPad Pro 12.9 is nothing more than a blown up Air 2 with better speakers and pencil support and faster specs.

My Ford Fusion is just a faster version of the Model -T with more technology and safety features.

We could go ROUND AND ROUND with this.
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Chew Toy McCoy

macrumors regular
Original poster
May 13, 2016
I think more than any other product the 12.9” iPad is proof that Apple doesn’t know what they are doing, and that’s in no way saying it’s a bad product. I’m saying the Surface Pro line is getting a lot of buzz just simply for it being a hybrid tablet laptop. Apple has largely not responded to this challenge and instead spends a lot more time, at least press-wise, on just about every other one of their products. They probably see the low sales numbers as general disinterest in such a product instead of the fact that users want a more differentiating mature product in that form factor. It’s like they pulled the Apple TV out of the Jobs Memorial “Hobby” basket and put the 12.9” iPad in its place.


macrumors 68030
Mar 7, 2012
New Orleans
iPad mini < iPad < iPad Plus

That should be the naming scheme for the iPad IMO followed by the year (not part of the actual name) to distinguish which particular model you're talking about.

I want an iPad 2017.
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macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2002
The Village
For me it doesn’t have anything to do with thinking the OS or apps aren’t professional grade. For me it’s the fact that there is a big literal and potential difference between the 9.7 iPad and 12.9 iPad and it seems in a lot of discussions or articles people can’t be bothered to tell you which they are talking about or if that is even a factor, just “Pro”.

I’d even go as far as suggesting that this lack of name distinction has even made Apple apathetic about making any meaningful difference between the two. With so much news on “Pro” that could be talking about either or both, nobody is really calling them to task. A stellar review for the 9.7 could be seen as the same for 12.9 because the author didn’t even bother mentioning it.

I really don't think it matters which one they're talking about - they just like to complain about how the device doesn't live up to their personal standards. "Pro" just gives them a reason to complain.
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