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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 23, 2014
If My hubby and I end up not wanting apple watch how much could I sell it for on eBay? 200 above retail? I am in the first launch window.
It's highly unlikely since I have never met an apple product I didn't love.
Just look on Ebay and see what others are selling them for, asking a forum that 95%+ of the people are keeping them doesnt help :)
Macrumors firing squad

I didn't realize they were already on eBay. I assumed wild wait till Friday. What do I know
If it arrives on friday then list it on eBay with decent pictures and the hype will be so high i bet you could get almost double what you paid for it
I doubt someone will pay that much for a used one. There will be new ones for that price. If you open it and use it for a week or two you shouldn't sell it for more than retail.

Because I can't see anyone writing it off after a day or two of wear. Any new product needs at least a week to prove its usefulness IMO.
I DO LOVE apple products otherwise wild horses wouldn't drag me out iof bed n the middle of the night :)
but I may want a different version...also I ordered 2. Hubby not such a gadget freak as moi. Hence the question.
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