So we all know that Snow Leopard was Intel only, so no going berserk over THOSE CERTAIN PEOPLE that falsely claim they have Snow Leopard running on a PowerPC Mac. We all know that's false.
But what if it were TRUE? In this post, speculate and ask yourself "What if Snow Leopard were universal?"
Here's my speculation on it:
SL would have destroyed G4 support. Much like how Leopard took away all G3's from an upgrade path, Snow Leopard would have done the same with G4 support.
It would have been a very limited universal build where only the G5's would be officially supported. The last G4's were produced in 2003. The last G5's were produced in 2006. Snow Leopard came out in 2009. So I truly believe those G4's would have had their swan song under 10.5 if SL were universal.
The Mac App Store would have been a disaster. I fear every single Apple board (official and 3rd party like MacRumors) would have been destroyed with "This won't work on X" posts.
What would Apple have done? Tell app makers to make all apps universal? If they did that, we'd have the situation above. Make a separate G5 build and Intel build and monitor apps to ensure they stayed true to the processor? What a headache that would have caused.
So on the App Store front, I fear that would have stayed Intel-only or delayed until 10.7.
Rosetta would have probably made it to 10.7 and then probably reached end of life there.
G5 support would have likely reached end of life in 10.7 if they didn't in 10.6. Honestly, I couldn't have seen 10.7 support for the G5's.
So now it's your turn. Would it be a mess? Would it have worked just fine? What would have been cut from a PowerPC version of Snow Leopard? Let your iMagination run wild here.
PS--AGAIN, don't be pissy. We all know the truth of the matter here. We all know PPC support died in 10.6. However, we can iMagine what could have been.
But what if it were TRUE? In this post, speculate and ask yourself "What if Snow Leopard were universal?"
Here's my speculation on it:
SL would have destroyed G4 support. Much like how Leopard took away all G3's from an upgrade path, Snow Leopard would have done the same with G4 support.
It would have been a very limited universal build where only the G5's would be officially supported. The last G4's were produced in 2003. The last G5's were produced in 2006. Snow Leopard came out in 2009. So I truly believe those G4's would have had their swan song under 10.5 if SL were universal.
The Mac App Store would have been a disaster. I fear every single Apple board (official and 3rd party like MacRumors) would have been destroyed with "This won't work on X" posts.
What would Apple have done? Tell app makers to make all apps universal? If they did that, we'd have the situation above. Make a separate G5 build and Intel build and monitor apps to ensure they stayed true to the processor? What a headache that would have caused.
So on the App Store front, I fear that would have stayed Intel-only or delayed until 10.7.
Rosetta would have probably made it to 10.7 and then probably reached end of life there.
G5 support would have likely reached end of life in 10.7 if they didn't in 10.6. Honestly, I couldn't have seen 10.7 support for the G5's.
So now it's your turn. Would it be a mess? Would it have worked just fine? What would have been cut from a PowerPC version of Snow Leopard? Let your iMagination run wild here.
PS--AGAIN, don't be pissy. We all know the truth of the matter here. We all know PPC support died in 10.6. However, we can iMagine what could have been.