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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Oct 7, 2007
San Francisco, CA
I have a 23" HD Apple Cinema Display in box that I am trying to figure out what to do with. I removed its leg pre-emptively a long time ago so that I wouldn't break it, but darnit lost the screws. I was wondering if geeksquad purchases items in these conditions.

I have a bag full of adapters and the apple ADC to DVI adapter and everything. Craigslist yields no bites. What do you guys think?
If you're really looking to just get rid of it and aren't looking to get any money out of it, some (all?) Best Buy locations will recycle electronics without charging you a recycling fee. They'll even take old tube TVs up to 32". Their website lists locations that do this and what they'll take.

You might want to try ebay first though.
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I'd throw it up on the Marketplace here.

I think you'd likely get a bite on fact I know that for a fact, as I know who would bite :)

(please PM me if you do list it).
In my city, we have an organization called Byte Works (BWorks). They accept used computer components and build them into working desktops for kids who can't afford a computer otherwise. I give them all my used computer equipment. A check of your area may reveal a similar organization.
I have a 23" HD Apple Cinema Display in box that I am trying to figure out what to do with. I removed its leg pre-emptively a long time ago so that I wouldn't break it, but darnit lost the screws. I was wondering if geeksquad purchases items in these conditions.

I have a bag full of adapters and the apple ADC to DVI adapter and everything. Craigslist yields no bites. What do you guys think?

I would toss up a thread in the Marketplace. I can tell you right now that either bunnspecial, eyoungren (for the adapter), or I would be some of the first to PM you.
I would toss up a thread in the Marketplace. I can tell you right now that either bunnspecial, eyoungren (for the adapter), or I would be some of the first to PM you.

And I can tell you that Bunnspecial has it set up in his apartment at this very moment :)
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