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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 6, 2011
When I dictate "et cetera," iOS12 returns "at Cetera." This is, of course, wrong two ways. I wonder, does someone who programmed Siri think that it is correct? Has anyone else noticed this? Can it be fixed? Google has not helped.

I have sought remedies for this by making short cuts, but they don't work when "Siri" is doing the "typing." If I type etc or ETC, the shortcut will offer me "et cetera," but not if I touch the microphone button and say etc or ETC.

And what about that capital C in Cetera? What twisted part of her brain is that from?
When I dictate "et cetera," iOS12 returns "at Cetera." This is, of course, wrong two ways. I wonder, does someone who programmed Siri think that it is correct? Has anyone else noticed this? Can it be fixed? Google has not helped.

I have sought remedies for this by making short cuts, but they don't work when "Siri" is doing the "typing." If I type etc or ETC, the shortcut will offer me "et cetera," but not if I touch the microphone button and say etc or ETC.

And what about that capital C in Cetera? What twisted part of her brain is that from?
Just tried it and got back "etc.". But maybe german/austrian Siri is smarter? :p

EDIT: Oh wait, I'm not on iOS 12 on my iPhone! Have to try it later on my iPad.
I tested this and the first time I said "et cetera" it gave me "at Cetera" but subsequent tries seem to be more on target giving me "etc.". I did say it a couple of times impersonating Yul Brynner in "The King and I" and perhaps Siri figured it out from that.

There's a financial company called Cetera...and there's Peter Cetera and the whole Cetera if you made an appointment with either it would be capitalized.
This is really a pesky problem. I have taught Siri that if I say Karl, which she thinks is Carl, by text replacement in Settings>General>Keyboard>Text Replacement, to change the Carl into Karl.

However, et cetera is a much thornier problem indeed. Asking her to change Cetera to "et cetera" fails, as do the methods detailed above.

I read up on synonyms, and thought I could say "suchlike," and get et cetera with an appropriate shortcut, but she won't transcribe suchlike, only such like.

I tried saying "twenty three dot jay," which she does transcribe as 23.J, but the shortcut fails, perhaps because the dot irritates Siri. 23J9 works if keyed in, but not if pronounced, even though she transcribes it as 23J9. If I delete twice after saying "two three jay nine," and type the 9 I just effaced, she will do the text replacement.

In things I dictate, et cetera is a common phrase. I'm quite surprised this has not frustrated enough others for it to be fixed.

Or perhaps I'm massively outnumbered by ancient fans of ancient Peter Cetera.

Perhaps what I seek is a list of extremely rarely used English words accurately transcribed by Siri.
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