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Original poster
Mar 21, 2011
It seems to amaze me, that Apple discontinue the non-Retina 15' Mac book Pro.

I really want to stay with 15", but i don't need the weight added by the optical drive.. and I don't really want Retina, (although i don't mind it), unfortunately you now have 3 x 13' Mac book Pro's, and 2 x 15" all with Retina, and the only one without Retina is the 13", but its got optical dive and spinning hard drive. All the rest have SSD, which i'm already used to.

Anyone know the reason for Apple discommoding the 15" non-Retina ? All they had to slim it down by removing the optical drive.... and you have a choice of a 15" retina, and non-retina,

Now you don't have a a choice if you want a 15".

whats the alternative ?


macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
Perhaps get refurb 15" MBP non-Retina?

You can easily put SSD into a non-Retina MacBook Pro. Or remove optical drive and put a second SSD drive in it.

I am still using a 17" MBP, but if I were to upgrade I'll probably go to 15" Retina or non-Retina.


macrumors 68040
Dec 17, 2009
It seems to amaze me, that Apple discontinue the non-Retina 15' Mac book Pro.

I really want to stay with 15", but i don't need the weight added by the optical drive.. and I don't really want Retina, (although i don't mind it), unfortunately you now have 3 x 13' Mac book Pro's, and 2 x 15" all with Retina, and the only one without Retina is the 13", but its got optical dive and spinning hard drive. All the rest have SSD, which i'm already used to.

Anyone know the reason for Apple discommoding the 15" non-Retina ? All they had to slim it down by removing the optical drive.... and you have a choice of a 15" retina, and non-retina,

Now you don't have a a choice if you want a 15".

whats the alternative ?

Probably because the entire industry is moving to Retina displays in any "premium" laptops? They don't always call them "retina", but they are all going to hi-dpi displays. Besides, why wouldn't you want a retina display? Now if you are complaining because the rMBP's are pretty much un-upgradable, I will give you that. But to not want the retina display seems silly...


macrumors 6502a
Oct 21, 2013
What Do You Want?

From your post, it seems like everything you don't like about the 15" non-retina is met by the retina (i.e. optical drive, platter hard drive, weight). It is just confusing for me because it sounds like you are the target audience for the rMPB. If the only gripe you have with the rMPB is the screen, I don't know how to help you. If there is some other issue you have with the computer, please clarify, and the forum members can help you out. Otherwise, it seems like the rMPB is the perfect computer for you.



macrumors newbie
Mar 3, 2014
Dallas, TX
from your post, it seems like everything you don't like about the 15" non-retina is met by the retina (i.e. Optical drive, platter hard drive, weight). It is just confusing for me because it sounds like you are the target audience for the rmpb. If the only gripe you have with the rmpb is the screen, i don't know how to help you. If there is some other issue you have with the computer, please clarify, and the forum members can help you out. Otherwise, it seems like the rmpb is the perfect computer for you.




macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
From your post, it seems like everything you don't like about the 15" non-retina is met by the retina (i.e. optical drive, platter hard drive, weight). It is just confusing for me because it sounds like you are the target audience for the rMPB. If the only gripe you have with the rMPB is the screen, I don't know how to help you. If there is some other issue you have with the computer, please clarify, and the forum members can help you out. Otherwise, it seems like the rMPB is the perfect computer for you.


Exactly. Retina MBP fits.
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