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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 2, 2011
New York City!
I personally love the crispy display and the glossy surface of the later 27" iMacs... like the 2019 for example. Does anyone know of a monitor (made by anybody, in any size 27" or larger) that has that same feel of glossy, bright, crispy-ness...? Someone at work showed me some monitor they said was higher resolution than what I use and it was supposed to be "better" and maybe it was because it was a matte surface, but somehow it didn't translate to me as better, or even the same.

(Maybe I should mention I type and look at small text all day... so this 27" iMac screen has been the best I've ever found for these purposes so far... it feels crisp, clean and bright.)

I stare at my screen for most of my waking hours, so it really matters to me- without getting Apple's super expensive monitor, does anyone have any experience with any other monitor that they felt was about the same as the glossy 27" iMac screen....?
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I believe the LG has a glossy plastic screen, whereas the 5K iMac has a glossy glass screen - both with antireflective coatings.
The LG monitor screams plastic. Coming from glass and aluminum, this really bothers some people, and others don't care.
Personally, I would pay the extra for a Studio Display to avoid the plasticky product, considering that the LG 5K monitor is not exactly cheap (unless you get one refurb or used?)
The iMac display, the 5K LG display, and the Apple Studio display are all reportedly made by LG and fundamentally the same panel, however they are not exactly the same - perhaps only due to firmware/software/calibration differences, but perhaps also due to hardware differences
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