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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 28, 2008
What resolution does everyone use? At the moment i use best for display but when i mess about with the display settings and go back to it, it seems very big. i Just presumed that apple make the computer and set it to that resolution, so thats the way it should be used! Would love to hear what people think is right.
I use the scaled res that looks like 1440x900. It gives me some extra room for windows, tabs in safari etc.
Sure, it isn't the same amount of work space that I got used to when I had the 17" MBP, but it's still "retina" and doesn't strain your eyes as much.
Also, with the improvements El Cap brings about in graphics fluency the scaled res doesn't cause the animations to stutter as it used to.
Best for display, because it's the only one I can see clearly.

But I've noticed that some apps (apps that use/need more than half of the screen) doesn't support El Capitan's Split View until you change to a scaled resolution.
Best for Retina (1280x800 HiDPI). It's enough screen space most of the time, and content does look slightly more crisp on the native resolution.
Tried going 1440*900 while very much appreciated the extra space, there was some framerate drop compared to 1280*800 and it appeared a little bit blurry compared to Best for Retina which is expected. Right now on 1280*800 and think will keep it that way for a while until El Capetian.
Scaled 1680x1050. Did run at 1920x1200 for a while but dropped back down. Never ran it at stock resolution, and wanted more than the 1440x900 that the Air I came from offered.
1680x1050 for the extra screen real estate. Still looks retina quality and no frame drops ever since moving to El Capitan.
I use Display Menu to switch back and forth depending on what I'm doing, but found the 1440x900 to generally be my preferred setting.
Same as everyone else really, I use 1440x900 - you can notice a slight judder/jerk at times which isn't present in 1280x800 but as everyone has commented, this should hopefully be remedied somewhat in El Capitan. I find 1280x800 a little bit too restrictive.
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