iPhone 8 on 11.1. These suggestion words above the keyboard RARELY pop up, but every once in a while they do, and I can't figure out what setting it would be?
Under "Siri & Search" settings, I have:
1) "Suggestions in Search" turned off
2) "Suggestions in Look Up" turned off
The only thing I can think is that I DO have "Search & Siri Suggestions" turned on for Safari, but based on the description under that, "Allow information from Safari to appear in Seach, Look Up, and Keyboard. Siri may learn from and make suggestions based on how you use this app," that doesn't really seem like it would cause suggestions in my safari keyboard?
Or, is the "Safari Suggestions" setting under Safari? That setting is also on, could it be this?
It happens so infrequently though that it's hard to test...and on that note I'm not sure why it pops up so infrequently, like once every few weeks at random.